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Incremental regular expression matching

What's this

ire is a library for incremental regular expression matching, based on further development of the ideas from Dan Piponi's famous blogpost Fast Incremental Regular Expression Matching with Monoids.

  • ire is for "incremental", "regular", "expressions"
  • incremental means "fast recomputation of results according to changes of input string" (not pattern)
  • regular means "regular" - t.i. no backrefs or other Perl magic.

There is an article about it:

How to use it?

Add the target/ire-VERSION.jar to your classpath.

import org.jkff.ire.*;
import org.jkff.regex.RegexCompiler;

// Compile the regexes
String[] regexes = {...};
PatternSet pat = RegexCompiler.compile(regexes);

// Index a string (slow)
IndexedString is = pat.match(someString); // or match(someString, blockSize)

// Get matches (fast)
for(Match m : is.getMatches()) {
    int startPos = m.startPos();
    int length = m.length();
    int whichPattern = m.whichPattern();

// Here's the "incremental" part. Assume 'a' and 'b' are IndexedString's.
// You can cut and recombine string pieces, it will be fast, and getMatches()
// of the resulting strings will be fast.
IndexedString c = a.append(b);
IndexedString sub = is.subSequence(start, end);
Pair<IndexedString,IndexedString> p = is.splitBefore(i);

How to experiment with it?

Open the IDEA project (or create a project in your favourite IDE over it - there's just one library dependency in the "lib" folder) and run the "tests" in org.jkff.ire.IntegrationTest.

Do not forget to run the unit tests after changes.

Ask me ([email protected]) if you're interested in something.

How fast is it?

It is much faster than java.util.regex in the following case:

  • Not too many patterns
  • Not too many occurences of them
  • The input strings are very long
  • Incremental operations are dominant
  • You have a lot of spare memory (the "block size" parameter is not too large)

It is much slower in most other cases.

For example, when finding all occurences of patterns from the "regex-dna" benchmark in a 500-kb DNA string with total 100 occurences, with a block size of 16 we're getting nearly 5000 occurences per second with our library and about 500 per second with java.util.regex.

However, when solving the same problem for a 50kb string with 100 occurences, with a block size of 256 we have exactly the opposite - 500 vs 6000.

How does it work?

Read Dan Piponi's aforementioned blogpost; here are the differences:

  • Instead of fingertrees, we use a "rope" datastructure with caching sums of values in an arbitrary monoid. The rope datastructure is in org.jkff.ire.rope package. It uses a constant-height 2-3 tree of N..2N-1 array chunks. Append and split operations are quite trivial.
  • We not only test for a match, but also find match positions. This is done by 1 split to find the end of the match and another to find the beginning, with some intricacies for overlapping matches. See org.jkff.ire.DFAMatcher class.
  • We use NFA instead of DFA, because we care mostly about number of states (we have to compose transition tables) and state blow-up of DFAs is unacceptable. FAs are in org.jkff.ire.fa package.
  • We do some optimization of the NFA to further reduce states, see org.jkff.ire.regex.RegexCompiler.
  • We use a compact representation of NFA as a boolean matrix represented as a bitset, with fast multiplication, see org.jkff.ire.fa.PowerIntTable

If you happen to read Russian, then read an article in