Jonathan Stickel
Jonathan Stickel
I am experiencing the same problem, running weave from the REPL in a graphical terminal on an Ubuntu system, where weave hangs at `plot` commands . As reported, `^C` allows...
As reported in #194, it is possible to generate the necessary library for Python 3.10 in the sources of the latest release: 1. set `use_swig` and `build` to True in...
The "Kentucky" test networks largely define pumps as constant power (`POWER` designation in the inp file). Kentucky network 3 (`ky3.inp`) seems to be the smallest.
@enzoliuyang94 brought up this point (or something similar) to me last week. He says that EPANET anticipates when tank limits will be crossed and then switches pumps (and/or pipe valves)...
This will involve parsing a [VALVE] block in the .inp file.
Right, I originally used the "scikits" designation, but other active projects are instead using "scikit", and so I changed it. I guess I didn't quite get it right, though, because...
I'm fine if any or all of this code base is moved into scipy/signal. What I think this package offers, that many other implementations do not, are smoothing of several...
> Do you still get the error if you set the binary provider to "GR"? > > ```julia > julia> ENV["JULIA_GR_PROVIDER"] = "GR" # Do this in a new Julia...
> However, it does not seem right that we load the GR shared libraries eagerly when your intent is to use PyPlot. I've been thinking of replacing `Libdl.dlsym` with something...
Although this is old (but still "open"), I'm posting here because this was the top link when I googled my problem. I'm using macports' installed python, matplotlib, and pyqt5 on...