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Various code analysis tools for C#.
To build simply run the build.ps1 script.
If that fails, please log an issue, because the idea is to have a one click build experience. Before logging an issue, please check that you have the latest MSBuild installed.
About the project
ArchiMetrics is a collection of code analysis tools using Roslyn. It will calculate code metrics which can be queried using normal LINQ syntax.
The project calculates the following metrics:
Project Level
- Cyclomatic Complexity
- LinesOfCode
- Maintainability Index
- Project Dependencies
- Type Couplings
- Abstractness
- Afferent Coupling
- Efferent Coupling
- RelationalCohesion
Namespace Level
- Cyclomatic Complexity
- LinesOfCode
- Maintainability Index
- Project Dependencies
- Type Couplings
- Depth of Inheritance
- Abstractness
Type Level
- Cyclomatic Complexity
- LinesOfCode
- Maintainability Index
- Project Dependencies
- Type Couplings
- Depth Of Inheritance
- Type Coupling
- Afferent Coupling
- Efferent Coupling
- Instability
Member Level
- Cyclomatic Complexity
- Lines Of Code
- Maintainability Index
- Project Dependencies
- Type Couplings
- Number Of Parameters
- Number Of Local Variables
- Afferent Coupling
- Halstead Metrics
Using project
If you are going to use metrics, you must install
You also may need to install this package (included in latest nuget package)
Install-Package Microsoft.Composition
See this sample that loads your solution and prints the cyclomatic complexity for each namespace that belongs to your solution
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ArchiMetrics.Analysis;
using ArchiMetrics.Common;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var task = Run();
private static async Task Run()
Console.WriteLine("Loading Solution");
var solutionProvider = new SolutionProvider();
var solution = await solutionProvider.Get(@"MyFullPathSolutionFile.sln");
Console.WriteLine("Solution loaded");
var projects = solution.Projects.ToList();
Console.WriteLine("Loading metrics, wait it may take a while.");
var metricsCalculator = new CodeMetricsCalculator();
var calculateTasks = projects.Select(p => metricsCalculator.Calculate(p, solution));
var metrics = (await Task.WhenAll(calculateTasks)).SelectMany(nm => nm);
foreach (var metric in metrics)
Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", metric.Name, metric.CyclomaticComplexity);