James Osborne
James Osborne
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, but nothing seems to have helped. I tried all the suggestions both with v6.0.1 and v6.0.6, but the shortcut keys are still not working. I'm...
Thanks for those new suggestions. I've tried them all and still no luck. Yabai steadfastly refuses to consume any keyboard shortcuts from skhd.
Thanks for the suggestion @ashleyharvey . This isn't an intermittent issue, unfortunately. It survives reboots & sleep/ wake cycles.
> Is `skhd` listed in Security & Privacy > Accessibility? It really sounds like skhd isn't receiving keystrokes. I would start there. Yes, it is listed there and "switched on"....
After a `brew upgrade` I now have Yabai v6.0.9, still the same skhd, and now `skhd -V` shows: ``` skhd -V skhd: could not lock pid-file! abort.. ```
I finally found a bit of time to do some more investigations, prompted by the recent Yabai update from Homebrew. I'm ever more convinced this is actually an `skhd` problem....
This issue looks relevant, but after changing the paths, `skhd` running as a service still does not send commands to `yabai` https://github.com/koekeishiya/skhd/issues/312