Juan Fumero

Results 38 issues of Juan Fumero

Hi all, is there any documentation of CHANGELOG that explains the differences between different versions in the oneAPI LevelZero SPEC? I see the latest now is 1.3.7.: https://spec.oneapi.io/level-zero/latest/index.html#l0-full-name-l0-spec-version Thank you

When running this code (as provided in the `zello_world.cpp` [example](https://github.com/oneapi-src/level-zero/blob/master/samples/zello_world/zello_world.cpp): ```cpp ze_api_version_t version = {}; zeDriverGetApiVersion(pDriver, &version); std::cout

Following the spec: https://spec.oneapi.com/level-zero/latest/core/INTRO.html Level-zero SPEC also works for spatial architectures. When looking at the `zeInit` function (https://github.com/oneapi-src/level-zero/blob/master/include/ze_api.h#L567), the current implementation only supports GPU. ```c++ typedef enum _ze_init_flag_t { ZE_INIT_FLAG_GPU_ONLY...

Hi all, I wonder if there is any call in LevelZero API equivalent to `clGetEventProfilingInfo` from OpenCL: https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenCL/sdk/2.1/docs/man/xhtml/clGetEventProfilingInfo.html What I would like to do is to measure the data transfer...

In the spec, it seems data transfers using this function `zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopy` are not blocking. Is there any variant for blocking calls? Or is there any equivalent to the OpenCL call...

Is there any documentation about how to build level-zero from source on Windows 10? The documentation only specifies for Linux.

I am getting this error code `0x78000004`, after trying to create a SPIRV kernel with the wrong name. The error is not listed here: https://spec.oneapi.com/level-zero/latest/core/api.html?highlight=zecommandlistclose#zekernelcreate This error code code corresponds...

This is a question about the Level Zero API. I have the following sequence of instructions in which I accidentally forgot to `reset`. Once the command list is closed, I...

Is there any example of how to measure page-faults associated with a Level-Zero buffer with Level Zero? I guess I would need this data structure: `zet_debug_event_info_page_fault_t` but I can't find...

I am using the [Intel ARC 750 GPU](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/arc-a750.c3929), which has 8GB of memory. However, when running OpenCL and Level Zero, I only see 6..3 GB. Output from `clinfo` using Windows...