Jared Fagel
Jared Fagel
Updated bug report: this is only an issue where the feed_name is "My Watchlists" - since all alerts are technically of the watchlist.hit type, it might have been confusing to...
@Coldfirex -- exactly. I'm not sure why Duo hasn't responded to this Pull Request. @MarkTripod-Duo maybe you can review? It could be revised to be configurable within the ini as...
@[jeromekleinen-kbc](https://github.com/jeromekleinen-kbc) I've opened a new issue on this, I see you were the first to report this publicly, but the issue was closed due to confusion.
@jerome-kleinen-kbc-be good question. I'll ask CB Support in my support case and report back. I do not believe so, but let me know if you find out otherwise first. Edit...
@jerome-kleinen-kbc-be -- CB Support confirmed 3.8.4 has still not addressed this issue and has advised we continue on the 3.7.x branch.