Julien JEHL
Julien JEHL
I need this option. Could you please explain where you change the force_exit, is it in the source code ? Edit : it is in uvicorn/main.py here the code to...
In my case I really need to not use root acount for security reason. What I did is to use sudo (addind command in visudo) and change the command by...
Why it is not working if you define protocol = 2 in the config file of your robot with the new dynamixel MX ? in config.py : ``` DxlIOCls =...
In fact, pypot said "angle limit error" but in reality (in the motor register) it is an "overheating error", I thought that it was because of the list order, but...
Coeff are always strange for me.
Only with 3.6 or with all 3.x ? If I remenber well my issue was about playing a move with python 3 : https://github.com/poppy-project/pypot/pull/218
What is your creature ? What vrep scene are you using ?
I can't tell you about ws-Discovery standart but a lot of Chinese camera seems to behave like in the description of tom24 (Jeinu first price Chinese camera does, maybe not...
In my case I need to install both gcc-8 AND g++-8 `apt install g++-8` I also need to compile cmake but this is because snap is not working in docker...