AMI-Exposed icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AMI-Exposed copied to clipboard

AMI Exposed is a Ruby framework for testing Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for common security weaknesses and credential exposures.

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== AMI Exposed

AMI Exposed - A framework for security scanning of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) Copyright (C) 2011 Jeff Jarmoc - Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

== History

AMI Exposed was first released at Defcon 19 in 2011. It's a framework for testing of EC2 AMIs (Amazon Machine Images.) Largely, it's a set of extensions to Amazon's AWS-SDK for Ruby (see adding some helpful methods to their classes, and a few new classes.

The Defcon presentation is the most official reference, but this file should help in getting started.

== Prerequisites Many Ruby gems are used throughout the tool, and must be installed in order for it to function properly.

  • aws-sdk-for-ruby -
  • active_record -
  • threaded_collections -
  • net-ssh -
  • sqlite3

== Configuration

=== Main Operational Configuration

In the config/config.yaml file that controls most aspects of the configuration. At a minimum you'll need to; - Provide AWS access_key_id - Provide AWS secret_access_key - Provide SSH key_path - Provide SSH key_name (Must match both the keyfile, and the name in EC2!) - Add your scan source IP(s) to ignore_host_connections: If scanning from an EC2 instance, include both public and private IPs.

=== Database

We ship with a working SQLLite configuration in config/database.yaml. A blank SQLLite DB is stored in db/local/sqlite3

If you wish to use a different database adapter, modify config/database.yaml and rake to import our db migration.

== Development setup

It may be helpful to set up RVM. >rvm use >rvm gemset create amiexposed >rvm use @amiexposed >echo "rvm use @amiexposed" > .rvmrc

Once RVM is set up, you can use bundler to get the necessary dependencies. >gem install bundler >bundle install

This will pull the above mentioned gems for you.
** Note:  Still working on threaded_collection to figure out where to get that from.