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Jiwhiz Blog Web Application
An open source project to help you build a personal blog website in the cloud.
See the live demo at http://www.jiwhizblog.com.
How to run locally
First, checkout code from Github:
git clone https://github.com/jiwhiz/JiwhizBlogWeb.git
Then, you have to build the application for local development. Run:
cd JiwhizBlogWeb
mvn clean package -Pprod
This will download npm modules and bower components locally.
Running inside Eclipse
In Eclipse (or Spring Tool Suite)
- Select "Run -> Run Configurations..." in Eclipse.
- Create a Java Application, such as "Jiwhizblog Local Dev".
- In Main tab, set Project to "jiwhizblog-web", and Main class to "com.jiwhiz.JiwhizBlogWebApplication"
- In Arguments tab, add "--spring.profiles.active=dev,local" to Program arguments. Set Working directory to "${workspace_loc:jiwhizblog-web}"
Then you can run it inside Eclipse.
Running local development in command line
mvn clean package -Pdev
java -jar ./jiwhizblog-web/target/jiwhizblogweb.war --spring.profiles.active=dev,local