mediapipe_multi_hands_tracking_aar_example copied to clipboard
when i use bazel to create aar instead the one in your project, it doesnot work
I use the following command to create aar, but when i instead it into your project, it crashed when run on my phone, but your original project works well. Could you please tell me the bazel command and build file you create the aar?
the following is mine.
bazel command bazel build -c opt --host_crosstool_top=@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain --fat_apk_cpu=arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a //mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/aar_example:mp_multi_hand_aar
bazel version 2.0.0 android sdk version 28 ndk version 20.1.5948944 build file load("//mediapipe/java/com/google/mediapipe:mediapipe_aar.bzl", "mediapipe_aar")
mediapipe_aar( name = "mp_multi_hand_aar", calculators = ["//mediapipe/graphs/hand_tracking:multi_hand_mobile_calculators"], )
Same issus. did you solve this issue?
Same issus
Yes, Same issue. it will be great if all mediapipe aar commands gets shared to all.
I followed the steps provided here "" to create error. I created all things successfully. They mention a graph file load("//mediapipe/java/com/google/mediapipe:mediapipe_aar.bzl", "mediapipe_aar")
mediapipe_aar( name = "mp_face_detection_aar", calculators = ["//mediapipe/graphs/face_detection:mobile_calculators"], )
Then I went to that location //mediapipe/graphs/face_detection , In BUILD file i found cc_library mentioned in mediapipe_arr : mobile_calculators.
In above view,
for hand tracking i seen above command : load("//mediapipe/java/com/google/mediapipe:mediapipe_aar.bzl", "mediapipe_aar")
mediapipe_aar( name = "mp_multi_hand_aar", calculators = ["//mediapipe/graphs/hand_tracking:multi_hand_mobile_calculators"], )
Then i went to that location //mediapipe/graphs/hand_tracking and tried to find cc_library with name multi_hand_mobile_calculators but I didnt find any. Can some one clear my doubt regarding this? how you guys know you have to use multi_hand_mobile_calculators ? I saw one BUILD in that directory which contain cc_library name ="mobile_calculators". Please help me understand this selection of calculators.
I re-built the complete chain (Thanks to this repo ❤️) by my own based on mediaPipe 0.8.2
This pull request archives an artifact.
Which I use here
Maybe it helps you, when you have all with comprehensible builds
i think connected to edition , in v0.8.8 , it is "mobile_calculators"