docker-jitsi-meet copied to clipboard
turn: add TURN server
adds TURN server to the infrastructure.
Can I help here? I have free time...
For information I finish a version that integrate a turn server into web container. Why insert coturn inside web container and not create a new one ? It's for use the same SSH certificate.
It's not fair to create a new MR because it's base on this one at the begining. I have one last problem, it works only with network_mode host into docker compose.
One thing that's currently missing is documentation: which ports one would need to open additionally. This should be added here:
One thing that's currently missing is documentation: which ports one would need to open additionally. This should be added here:
added in 14d717c
Hi, any news on this?
Having this in will be great.
As I see we have only one unresolved conversation around it. So, if @saghul have a couple of minutes to take a look this, I beleive we will fastly resolve and merge it.
@saghul could you have a look at this?
Only you can save mankind from Zoom meetings :)
Hi! Although I'm not really versed on all needed to make this work on docker, I could test it in my on premises installation. Would it help? We are using docker, but setting up TURN without docker. Yes... Our JMS doesn't currently have a TURN server... :(
Thank you so much for this work! I look forward to see this! Jitsi community really rocks!
Hi, is there anything that could be done here to move this forward?
I've worked on this from the latest docker-jitsi-meet adding all the changes of the PR except for two:
- It does not contain the changes to the README of the original PR since that page content has been moved somewhere else
- It changes the name of the turn docker container (from jitsi/turn which wasn't found to instrumentisto/coturn).
I attach the patch which is mostly the same of the PR except for these two changes. I'd also be able to provide the terraform script that created the machines I'm testing in (in Digital Ocean). turn.diff
Jitsi works but I'm having some problems to test whether the turn server is working.
I can't block the port 10000/udp with ufw. I've tried to block ports with ufw but it doesn't seem to have any effect perhaps due to this?.
The other thing I've tried is to checking chrome://webrtc-internals (since I haven't been able to block 10000 this is not as useful as it could be). When I test with several participants I see in the some of the tabs "iceServers: []", but this is the same I see in a server where I have not applied the patch
@netaskd Any way I could go on from here in order to provide help to advance this pull request?
First option I can think of is to try other ways to block port 10000. Do other iptables management utilities have the same problem as ufw with respect to docker?, any advice on how to do block 10000/udp without stumbling on this problem?
First option I can think of is to try other ways to block port 10000. Do other iptables management utilities have the same problem as ufw with respect to docker?, any advice on how to do block 10000/udp without stumbling on this problem?
Hi, does this help?
Docker generally doesn't play well out-of-the-box with firewall configuration tools such as UFW, shorewall, etc. Such tools generate IPTABLES rules based on some "easier" configuration format, while Docker itself leverages IPTABLES to "magically" configure NAT for the containers. If both tools are not aware of each other, they will overwrite or shadow each-other's IPTABLE rules.
Both UFW and Shorwall have builtin support for Docker in their latest versions which is disabled by default. Enabling this feature will make UFW "docker-aware" and preserve Dockers IPTABLE rules when run.
However, it is still rather complicated to block incoming connections to Docker via IPTABLE rules, due to the fact that NAT is processed before the FILTER rules, meaning that packets to Docker-configured ports are redirected into the corresponding container before the packets run through the FILTER chain of the host - therefor never hitting the rule.
The correct way to prevent access into a Docker container is to explicitly state
in the --port
argument when running a container, such as
docker run --port ...
This will only allow access to port 10000 when the connection is coming from the Docker host itself and will deny access when coming from elsewhere.
I also need this. How can I help the development? What's still open?
@baccenfutter What I did was modify the docker-compose.yml at the root of the project by changing
- '${JVB_PORT}:${JVB_PORT}/udp'
+ '${JVB_PORT}:${JVB_PORT}/udp'
Is that equivalent to what you suggested? (I don't know enough about docker and docker-compose to evaluate whether it is).
In any case after doing that I was having problems with the audio/video from the videoconference which only worked momentarily and then stopped working. Perhaps there's some unexpected side effect to that way of restricting the port?, if that's not the case then my patch is not working when 10000/udp is blocked.
@holtgrewe I did not try that because it seemed to me that I'd be changing more things than strictly needed (it would affect potentially other things). In order to evaluate whether the patch is working I need a test that isolates the changes so I wanted to only block 10000/udp and leave everything else the same.
@netaskd @saghul There's a lot of interest in this PR and some people would like to help but we don't have the information on how to do it. As far as I understand there's just this change pending review but the turncredentials code in netaskd branch have changed since the time the review was requested. Could you provide some guidance if helping is possible? If it isn't it would be useful to know that too ;)
Read through all of this but didn't get it... will this also support adding an external TURN server without starting an additional coturn docker container which isn't needed in that case?
What is the status of this PR, what discussion is still pending? I'm also working on integrating Jitsi, and we really need to support TURN for corporate VPNs.
The setup we are using is to split traffic with Envoy & also terminate TLS there. That way both Jitsi's NGINX/web container & CoTURN don't need to do TLS offloading. Example envoy.yaml configuration:
# docker run -v $PWD:/etc/ssl/private -v $PWD:/data envoyproxy/envoy:v1.14.4 /usr/local/bin/envoy -c /data/envoy.yaml --mode validate
socket_address: { address:, port_value: 9901 }
# Main listener
- address:
socket_address: { address:, port_value: 4430 }
# TLS Inspector parses the SNI & ALPN settings
- name: "envoy.filters.listener.tls_inspector"
typed_config: {}
# One filter chain per SNI & ALPN
# shard-1 HTTP
- filter_chain_match: # shard-1 http
server_names: [""]
application_protocols: ["http/1.1", "h2"]
transport_socket: &tmpl_transport_socket
name: envoy.transport_sockets.tls
- certificate_chain: { filename: "/etc/ssl/private/tls.crt" }
private_key: { filename: "/etc/ssl/private/tls.key" }
filters: &tmpl_http_filters
- name:
stat_prefix: ingress_http
- name: default
domains: "*"
- match: { prefix: "/" }
route: { cluster: service_shard1_nginx }
- name: envoy.filters.http.router
# shard-1 TURN
- filter_chain_match:
server_names: [""]
transport_socket: *tmpl_transport_socket
- name:
stat_prefix: tcp
cluster: service_shard1_turn
# fallback HTTP (redirects to Application Level router)
- filter_chain_match:
server_names: ["*"]
transport_socket: *tmpl_transport_socket
- name:
stat_prefix: ingress_http
- name: default
domains: "*"
- match: { prefix: "/" }
route: { cluster: service_fallback }
- name: envoy.filters.http.router
# fallback for health check
- filter_chain_match:
transport_socket: *tmpl_transport_socket
- name:
stat_prefix: direct_http
- name: default
domains: "*"
- match: { prefix: "/" }
status: 200
inline_string: "Fallback"
- name: envoy.filters.http.router
- name: service_fallback
connect_timeout: 0.25s
type: strict_dns
lb_policy: round_robin
cluster_name: service_fallback
- lb_endpoints:
- endpoint:
address: nginx-internal
port_value: 80
- name: service_shard1_nginx
connect_timeout: 0.25s
type: strict_dns
lb_policy: round_robin
cluster_name: service_shard1_nginx
- lb_endpoints:
- endpoint:
address: nginx.shard-1.svc.cluster.local
port_value: 80
- name: service_shard1_turn
connect_timeout: 0.25s
type: strict_dns
lb_policy: round_robin
cluster_name: service_shard1_turn
- lb_endpoints:
- endpoint:
address: turn.shard-1.svc.cluster.local
port_value: 5349
I'm also working on an Envoy xDS API endpoint that serves this configuration dynamically. That would ease adding shards drastically in our Kubernetes setup.
I've documented in the community my tests with a simple firewall and:
- The setup described in this PR
- Multiplexing (for turn to work when its ports are blocked by the firewall) based on the docs. My exact setup for multiplexing can be seen here
As far as I can see under with this setup for the videoconferences to work it's enough if the firewall allows 80, 443 (both outbound and inbound) and 10000 outbound.
I know this PR does not include the multiplexing bit but I think this contributes to the conversation and the multiplexing part is an interesting direction for turn in docker-jitsi-meet to pursue
Hi Folks,
This PR is still alive or somebody working on it? What kind of job is left to do?
Also, I don't understand this PR. As I can see the main goal of this PR is to make it happen to configure an external TURN server for Jitsi and you have created a new image which will be a coTURN server for testing or if somebody wants to use it. Am I right? If it's true then I would like to help you to finish this, because from the commits and because of my lack of knowledge with the configuration I can't see another way to configure Jitsi containers to use TURN servers.
If we can configure Jitsi to use TURN server, then there is a way to somehow force the relay through TURN with p2p connections? Can I just put a zero or false value into an env variable and force it?