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Local jar files dependencies are discarded in the artifact deployed by Jitpack

Open VictorAlbertos opened this issue 9 years ago • 8 comments

Hi, first of all, my knowledge using Jitpack is very limited (and Maven), so probably the next question is a little dummy.

I have this project, it is a java library project, specifically is the rx_cache module which I'm talking about it. I started using gradle to resolve the “guava” dependency as follow:

dependencies {
    compile ’com.google.guava:guava:11.0.2'

There were no problem. When requiring the artefact generated by Jitpack, all worked fine.

But I realised that guava increased the total methods count of my library project in about 11.000. This is a problem for a library which most of its potential users could be android developers. So, I downloaded directly the guava jar and I shrank it with proguard. After that, the methods count were down to 1.100. Much better.

But now, in order to resolve the guava dependency, I have a jar file in libs folder, and it is referenced in gradle as follows:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

The library works perfectly well when I reference it from another module in the same project. Or even If I run the test, it is still working. But when I try to use it throughout Jitpack, the jar seems to be not include as reference in the artifact, because I can see that when decompiling the apk file. And for that reason, whatever project that uses my library crashes with the next error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: //several classes

It does not matter what jar I include as dependency. I tried others jars because I thought maybe the problem could be related by the fact that I shrank the jar file with proguard. But It is not the problem, because any jar I include is discarded in the final artifact.

So, my question is how can I retain jar files in my project library in order to prevent they be discarded when Jitpack generates the artifact? I know this is not a problem related with Jitpack, but I don’t know how to resolve it.


VictorAlbertos avatar Jan 14 '16 12:01 VictorAlbertos

Hi Victor!

That's a really good question. You're right, JitPack won't publish jars that you have in your libs folder. Would it be possible to put Guava in a separate GitHub repo and run pro-guard as part of it's build? If it's in a separate repository then it will be usable from your other projects too.

Another option is to publish the jar as part of your project http://stackoverflow.com/a/11505497/4562758 The build file will require some tweaking but happy to work with you on that if you're interested.

jitpack-io avatar Jan 14 '16 15:01 jitpack-io

Hi! After trying a lot of “exhausting crazy hacking stuff” and not getting any success, I’ve decided to include guava as a maven artifact, instead of a jar.

But now I’ve created a new tag release, “0.3”, but when I tried to download the artifact from another project,

    compile "com.github.VictorAlbertos:RxCache:0.3"

the next error shows:

    Error:Failed to resolve: com.github.VictorAlbertos:RxCache:0.3

Did I do something wrong?


VictorAlbertos avatar Jan 16 '16 15:01 VictorAlbertos

Hello, Looks like it's getting stuck resolving 'sample_data' project. There is a dependency on the project itself https://github.com/VictorAlbertos/RxCache/blob/master/sample_data/build.gradle#L18

It'd be better to reference the main lib like this: compile project(':rx_cache')

jitpack-io avatar Jan 16 '16 16:01 jitpack-io


I’ve moved the sample projects to another repository because I prefer to maintain the dependency pointing to the final artifact, instead of a local project ;)

VictorAlbertos avatar Jan 16 '16 18:01 VictorAlbertos

I'm still interested in this issue.. do you mind to help me out? I created a stripped down version of a library I need here. The build.gradle can be found in the subdirectory jadx-core. I got it to build perfectly fine (try with tag v0.6.1-dev), but when running my code I also get the NoClassDefFoundError. This happens because it needs the dx-1.10.jar library, found in lib. I don't have access to the source code of the dx library (at least not for the exact same version), so creating a new repository for it is not an option.
I've experimented a little bit (following your link) and came up with the following additions to my build.gradle:

artifacts {
  archives file: file('lib/dx-1.10.jar'), name: 'dx', type: 'jar'

install {
  repositories {
    mavenInstaller {
      addFilter('dx') {artifact, file ->
        artifact.name == 'dx'

Using these additions it actually does create an artifact for the dx library, however I did not find out how to include the default library then. If I do it this way, it only includes the dx library. So is there a solution which allows me to deploy both of them and get them working nicely together?


So after fiddling around for a long time (and not getting any help here), I finally found a way to do it, so if anyone else is coming here for help, I'd like to let you know how I solved my issue.

What I did was that I edited the jar task as follows:

jar {
  baseName = project.name 
  from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }

And added the following filters:

install {
  repositories {
    mavenInstaller {
      addFilter('dx') {artifact, file ->
        artifact.name == 'dx'
      addFilter('jadx-core') {artifact, file ->
        artifact.name == 'jadx-core'

Of course, you'd need to adapt the names to your needs. Now jitpack is able to build the project and includes its jar dependencies.

fschrofner avatar May 19 '16 21:05 fschrofner

@jitpack-io, is there a designated way to do this now? @fschrofner's approach works, but creates a fat jar with all dependencies. Unfortunately, all dependencies except the local jars are already included because of the compile statements.

Alexander-Krause-Glau avatar Oct 25 '17 08:10 Alexander-Krause-Glau

Correct me if I'm wrong, but these steps seem to only work with the maven plugin, which is now deprecated. Anyone know how I achieve the same thing with the maven-publish plugin?

smithaaron avatar Jan 27 '22 16:01 smithaaron

Same problem for me, if I use the library from maven local, it works well, but it throws ClassNotFoundException when it's build from jitpack

Mufanc avatar Dec 03 '23 15:12 Mufanc