node-sonos-http-api copied to clipboard
play:one vs play:1 with say or clip
I have a old play:1 and new play:one. With the play:1 say and clip works perfect. The music stop and say or clip play and the the music restart. With the play:one the music stop and say or clip start. But the music don't start again and the mp3 from clip or the the google tts from say stay with stop in the playlist from sonos. I hope you can understand my problem.
I have the same issue, but im only running the new version one SL. I play musik, and then i have the doorbell as a clip to my Sonos, then it stop the musik, play my doorbell and just stop after that. And then i need to select a new playlist to contiune to play musik.
Im also running the S2 of sonos. but haven't seen any issue then this.
Im also getting this error, but it playing the say or clip command
{"status":"error","error":"Got status 500 when invoking /MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control","stack":"Error: Got status 500 when invoking /MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control\n at Object.invoke (C:\node-sonos\node_modules\sonos-discovery\lib\helpers\soap.js:99:10)\n at Player.setAVTransport (C:\node-sonos\node_modules\sonos-discovery\lib\models\Player.js:727:15)\n at C:\node-sonos\node_modules\sonos-discovery\lib\prototypes\SonosSystem\applyPreset.js:128:46\n at runMicrotasks (
Same issue here! I think Sonos even provides a way to have the audio notification play on top of the music, just having the music volume lowered while the clip is played. That would be awesome!