Jishan Shaikh

Results 146 issues of Jishan Shaikh

All the resume formats should have a proper category because not everyone wants fully infographic CV nor full text heavy. categories = {text_heavy, minimal, infographic}


All the resume latex source codes should be directly usable from Overleaf platform to remove the dependency on latex version, type and platform tools. Make sure to use proper latex...


Features required: - Ready to use latex files - PDF examples of all the files - Clear README


Codefactor found an issue: "public:" should be preceded by a blank line It's currently on: [size_balanced_tree.cpp:69](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/jishanshaikh4/size-balanced-tree/source/main/size_balanced_tree.cpp#L69) Commit a3bb632ebcc6c41930b95eea467b6dbd9475fe96

- [ ] PIP - [ ] Snap - [ ] Others?

Current status: A static video is shown as a reference Feature: User should be able to use the player for their local videos


Snap | Electron | Flutter | React Native Browser extension (Firefox and Chrome)


- Table update for lit - frontend specifics (react, vue, angular)? - backend specifics (nuxt, next, nest)?


Codefactor found an issue: The class or object MainActivity is empty. It's currently on: [flutter-starter\android\app\src\main\kotlin\com\example\my_app\MainActivity.kt:5](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/jishanshaikh4/start-here/source/main/flutter-starter/android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/my_app/MainActivity.kt#L5)