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sfzlint copied to clipboard

parser and linter for sfz files written in python using Lark

Linter and parser for .sfz files

CLI programs are mostly done.

Includes the sfzlint and sfzlist command line utilities sfzlint will parse and validate sfzfiles. If a directory is passed it will be recursivly searched for sfz files.

$ sfzlint path/to/file.sfz
path/to/file.sfz:60:11:W continuous not one of ['no_loop', 'one_shot', 'loop_continuous', 'loop_sustain'] (loop_mode)
path/to/file.sfz:98:18:W 8400 not in range -1 to 1 (fileg_depthccN)
path/to/file.sfz:107:12:E expected integer got 0.1 (lfoN_freq)
path/to/file.sfz:240:1:W unknown opcode (ampeg_sustain_curveccN)

sfzlist will print a list of known opcodes and metadata to stdout. Callig with --path will cause it to print opcodes found in that path

$ sfzlist --path /sfz/instra/Scarypiano/
amplitude_onccN aria Range(0,100) modulates=amplitude
lokey v1 Range(0,127)
ampeg_release_onccN v2 Alias(ampeg_releaseccN)
label_ccN aria Any()
bend_up v1 Range(-9600,9600)

Opcode data is from sfzformat.com. If you see a bug in syntax.yml consider putting you PR against the source


  • syntax validation
  • checks opcodes against known opcodes on sfzformat.com
  • validates opcode values when min or max or type are defined in the spec
  • validates *_curvecc values above 7 have a corresponding <curve> header
  • checks that sample files exists, also checks that case matches for portability with case-sensitive filesystems
  • pulls in #includes and replaces vars from #defines
  • validation based on aria .xml files


If you have a project that is seperated into several .sfz files using #include macros Example:


To validate the whole project you can use sfzlint --check-includes instra.sfz. Running sfzlint against a program .xml file will check includes by default. If you run sfzlint includes/piano.sfz and piano.sfz has some sample opcodes you may get file not found errors. To fix this run with --rel-path

sfzlint includes/piano.sfz --rel-path .


I've not put this on pypi yet. You can install with pip

pip install pyyaml
pip install git+https://github.com/jisaacstone/sfzlint.git

Or clone the repo and use python setup.py install

Both methods require python version >= 3.6

To use with vim/neomake:

(This is what I built this thing for)

put the following in your .vimrc:

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sfz set filetype=sfz
let g:neomake_sfz_enabled_makers=['sfzlint']
let g:neomake_sfzlint_maker = {'exe': 'sfzlint', 'errorformat': '%f:%l:%c:%t %m'}