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Bean Validator utilizing Spring Expression Language (SpEL)

= Bean Validator utilizing SpEL :source-language: java :name: validator-spring :version: 1.1.0 :artifact-id: {name} :group-id: cz.jirutka.validator :gh-name: jirutka/{name} :gh-branch: master :codacy-id: 3e4ab872dba9426ca74b49faccd8ad38

ifdef::env-github[] image:{gh-name}.svg?branch={gh-branch}[Build Status, link="{gh-name}"] image:{gh-name}/badge.svg?branch={gh-branch}[Coverage Status, link="{gh-name}"] image:{codacy-id}[Code quality, link="{gh-name}"] image:{group-id}/{artifact-id}/badge.svg[Maven Central, link="{group-id}/{artifact-id}"] endif::env-github[]

This library provides[Bean Validation] (JSR 303/349) constraint that allows to use powerful[Spring Expression Language] (SpEL) for non-trivial validations. It’s especially very useful for cross-field validations that are very complicated with a plain Bean Validation.

== Usage examples

=== Cross-field validation


@SpELAssert(value = "hasRedirectUris()", applyIf = "grantTypes.contains('auth_code')", message = "{validator.missing_redirect_uri}") public class ClientDTO {

private Collection<String> grantTypes;
private Collection<String> redirectUris;

public boolean hasRedirectUris() {
    return !redirectUris.isEmpty();



@SpELAssert(value = "password.equals(passwordVerify)", applyIf = "password || passwordVerify", message = "{validator.passwords_not_same}") public class User {

private String password;
private String passwordVerify;


=== Using helper functions


@SpELAssert(value = "#isEven(count) && count > 42", applyIf = "enabled", helpers = Helpers.class) public class Sample {

private int count;
private boolean enabled;



public class Sample {

@SpELAssert(value = "#isEven(#this) && #this > 42",
            helpers = Helpers.class)
private int count;



public final class Helpers {

public static boolean isEven(int value) {
    return value % 2 == 0;
public static boolean isOdd(int value) {
    return value % 2 != 0;


=== Using Spring beans


public class Sample {

@SpELAssert("@myService.calculate(#this) > 42")
private int value;



// Configuration is needed to allow autowiring of dependencies in custom validators. @Configuration public class ValidatorConfig {

public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validatorFactoryBean() {
    return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();


== Maven

Released versions are available in The Central Repository. Just add this artifact to your project:

[source, xml, subs="verbatim, attributes"]

{group-id} {artifact-id} {version} ----

However if you want to use the last snapshot version, you have to add the JFrog OSS repository:


jfrog-oss-snapshot-local JFrog OSS repository for snapshots true ----

== License

This project is licensed under[MIT license]. For the full text of the license, see the link:LICENSE[LICENSE] file.