HiDDeN copied to clipboard
HiDDeN: Hiding Data with Deep Networks.
local predGeneratorLoss = criterion_adv:forward(predFake, 2 * labels_encoded) local predGeneratorGradOut = criterion_adv:backward(predFake, 2 * labels_encoded) local predGeneratorGradIn = adversary:backward(payloads_encoded, predGeneratorGradOut, 0) gradOutput[1] = gradOutput[1] + opt.adversary_gradient_scale * predGeneratorGradIn I don't know...
I have the following problems. Would you mind helping me solve them. Or do you have a Python version of the code? lua.exe: main.lua:2: module 'image' not found: no field...
I run this command in my lab servers. th main.lua --develop --name test-run --type float> And I got error like this. { maxPoolStride : 2 noProgress : false name :...
line 44 reads: self.data["train"] = self.dev I believe it should be: self.data["train"] = self.train
You probably don't have Torch installed. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48277220/get-lua-running-with-torch-on-windows-10-with-limited-admin-rights > > I have the following problems. Would you mind helping me solve them > > lua.exe: main.lua:2: module 'image' not found: >...