Jin Yao Lee
Jin Yao Lee
I don't think there's a need for any validations required for the author names/IDs. An author ID should be valid as long as it's not empty.
I can't think of any scenario where `\` may be included in the author's name or repository. Should we just ignore the character if the escape character is detected?
I don't know if there's a way to overwrite the same line using logging.. AFAIK, there's no way to overwrite to same line using logging
Just to ask and clarify: * Given authors `a` and `b` and a line `l`: * If `a` initially authored `l`, and `b` made a major modification to that line...
Not sure the reason behind it either, seconding what @fzdy1914 said about test codes being written in the early stages. But I agree that the config of authors and its'...