But the language package is there though.. No method to enable it? Even only for the pokemon name...
Yeah that one :/ What is it?
@pokemongomylife Go to the park, enjoy the summer :)
For the purpose of leveling, I think it's not necessary to ignore specific Pokemon. Instead, it would be very great if we could choose to Always-Transfer-Pokemon instead. Example 1: I...
@MDashK : Ah, you're right. I just realized that there are many Pokestops in my area so I never run out of Pokeballs.
Hello, thanks for creating this very great tool! I noticed that the navigation type feature has been added in the config. `#navigation type can be either STREETS or POKESTOPS` I...
Running a VM on mac would be very difficult because you only have one controller :/ Have anyone tried the "running the iPhone app on two phones at the same...
Had the same issue, rebooting seems to work. But it seems that my GPS is not as accurate as before anymore. Like, before I was using the software, I could...