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An easy-to-use python toolkit for flexibly adapting various neural ranking models to any target domain.

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在运行官方示例时,model.merge_lora这一步报了没有这个属性错误。是更新了相关的版本吗? AttributeError: 'BertDense' object has no attribute 'merge_lora'

Hi, I was trying to train my own REM by following the instruction. ```bash output_dir="./data/dense-mlm/english-marco/train_rem/rem-with-hf-dam/contrast" python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 \ -m disentangled_retriever.dense.finetune.run_contrast \ --lora_rank 192 --parallel_reduction_factor 4 --new_adapter_name msmarco...

`merge_lora` should be changed to `merge_adapter`, so the code could be run successfully.