Check your gcc version. I met similar problem in ROS nodes building. Gcc 4.9 has linking problem, but gcc 5.4 works fine.
Also, a ROS publisher with Monocular + IMU is appreciated the same.
Keras provides customized metric argument while loading model. For example, https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/3911 IMHO, keras-vis could extract customized metrics from models being loaded, then call API appropriately.
It seems this is again python 2.7 python3 incompatibility issue. Tons of places to fix.
I got the demo notebook working with Python 3 in the branch I forked off: https://github.com/jinchenglee/tdb But I'm not the guy to do fully exaustive testing, so I just input...
Hi, I have a 16g+128g lichee Pi4a board. I've downloaded the LPI4A_FULL_20231214.zip image and tried to flash the board to use latest image. I've tried several times, it always hangs...
I just tried image LPI4A_BASIC_20231023.zip, it can be flashed without issue. However, image LPI4A_BASIC_20231214.zip hangs when writing 'boot' section. Seems image from Dec., 2023 cannot work on my board (I...
> Hi, I have a 16g+128g lichee Pi4a board. I've downloaded the LPI4A_FULL_20231214.zip image and tried to flash the board to use latest image. I've tried several times, it always...