electron-angular-example icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
electron-angular-example copied to clipboard

An example application using Atom's electron and Angular2


An example desktop application written with Electron and Angular2.


First, install dependencies. This will also trigger jspm install for client deps.

$ npm install

Gulp will compile all typescript files.

$ gulp

For a list of available tasks, run gulp help.

If you're having problems with file resolution, you can inspect the ts-lint and compile-ts tasks by passing a debug switch:

$ gulp --debug


$ npm start


Execute a build specific to your dev machine using the build.js wrapper script (which provides system defaults and other stuff around electron-packager).

$ node build.js

On x64 OS X for example, you can now run this from the builds directory:

$ open builds/darwin/x64/ElectronAngularExample.app

You may also run a specific build using the defined gulp tasks. These are pre-configured invocations of node build.js.

$ gulp build:linux:32
$ gulp build:linux:64
$ gulp build:darwin:64
$ gulp build:windows:32
$ gulp build:windows:64

Running all cross-platform builds is rolled up into gulp release.


  • Packaging of cross-platform releases?
  • Icon settings
  • OS X Signing


MIT © Jim Schubert