进度条好像只能手动的去拖小圆点才可以跳转,直接点击貌似跳不过去,不知道是不是自己哪里设置错了。 ` `
I have 2 Kinematic body ,and also set the sensor property = true, while they contact each other , the `body.on('beginContact',function()) ` hasn't been emitted ,why?
here is my code: `const publicKey = account.isHardware ? scatter.identity.publicKey : account.publicKey;` it works fine with desktop scatter, but have issue with web extension. the snippet doesnt get the correct...
使用ba_request_POSTWithEntity请求以后,用charles抓包发现发送的是GET请求。 代码如下: BADataEntity *entity = [BADataEntity new]; entity.urlString ="/exmaple/123"; BlockSelf; [BANetManager ba_request_POSTWithEntity:entity successBlock:^(id response) { } failureBlock:^(NSError *error) { } progressBlock:^(int64_t bytesProgress, int64_t totalBytesProgress) { }];