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Added ZIP64 Support to zip-stream.js

Open magnus-rattlehead opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

Feel free to test. I used the Sintel movie and a 10GB file created by fallocate. Testing shows that the zip works. For some reason on my zip archiver (Ark from KDE), it complains about a corrupted zip, but is able to read and extract successfully. zip -T confirms that it is valid. Feel free to test it.

magnus-rattlehead avatar Dec 14 '21 22:12 magnus-rattlehead

Nevermind. archiving software doesn't complain about corrupted zips.

magnus-rattlehead avatar Dec 20 '21 17:12 magnus-rattlehead

It would be awesome if this was built intro a transform stream like in:

FallingHazard avatar Dec 20 '21 23:12 FallingHazard

FYI, the solution here gave me corrupt zip files. I asked ChatGPT to rewrite the original one and did a bit of cleanup to end up on a working file... Tested with 10.000 files which result in a total zip file of 9GB.


class Crc32 {
    constructor() {
        this.crc = -1

    append(data) {
        var crc = this.crc | 0;
        var table = this.table
        for (var offset = 0, len = data.length | 0; offset < len; offset++) {
            crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ table[(crc ^ data[offset]) & 0xFF]
        this.crc = crc

    get() {
        return ~this.crc

Crc32.prototype.table = (() => {
    var i;
    var j;
    var t;
    var table = []
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        t = i
        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
            t = (t & 1) ?
                (t >>> 1) ^ 0xEDB88320 :
                t >>> 1
        table[i] = t
    return table

const getDataHelper = byteLength => {
    var uint8 = new Uint8Array(byteLength)
    return {
        array: uint8,
        view: new DataView(uint8.buffer)

const pump = zipObj => => {
    if (chunk.done) return zipObj.writeFooter()
    const outputData = chunk.value
    zipObj.uncompressedLength += outputData.length
    zipObj.compressedLength += outputData.length

 * [createWriter description]
 * @param  {Object} underlyingSource [description]
 * @return {Boolean}                  [description]
function createWriter(underlyingSource) {
    const files = Object.create(null)
    const filenames = []
    const encoder = new TextEncoder()
    let offset = 0
    let activeZipIndex = 0
    let ctrl
    let activeZipObject, closed

    function next() {
        activeZipObject = files[filenames[activeZipIndex]]
        if (activeZipObject) processNextChunk()
        else if (closed) closeZip()

    var zipWriter = {
        enqueue(fileLike) {
            if (closed) throw new TypeError('Cannot enqueue a chunk into a readable stream that is closed or has been requested to be closed')

            let name =
            const date = new Date(typeof fileLike.lastModified === 'undefined' ? : fileLike.lastModified)

            if ( && !name.endsWith('/')) name += '/'
            if (files[name]) throw new Error('File already exists.')

            const nameBuf = encoder.encode(name)

            const zipObject = files[name] = {
                level: 0,
                directory: !!,
                comment: encoder.encode(fileLike.comment || ''),
                compressedLength: 0,
                uncompressedLength: 0,
                extraArray: null,

                writeHeader() {
                    var header = getDataHelper(26)
                    var data = getDataHelper(30 + nameBuf.length)

                    zipObject.header = header
                    zipObject.offset = offset
                    if (zipObject.level !== 0 && ! {
                        header.view.setUint16(4, 0x0800)
                    header.view.setUint32(0, 0x14000808)

                    header.view.setUint16(0, 45, true)

                    header.view.setUint16(6, (((date.getHours() << 6) | date.getMinutes()) << 5) | date.getSeconds() / 2, true)
                    header.view.setUint16(8, ((((date.getFullYear() - 1980) << 4) | (date.getMonth() + 1)) << 5) | date.getDate(), true)
                    header.view.setUint16(22, nameBuf.length, true)
                    data.view.setUint32(0, 0x504b0304)
                    data.array.set(header.array, 4)
                    data.array.set(nameBuf, 30)
                    offset += data.array.length

                writeFooter() {
                    zipObject.header.view.setUint16(0, 45)

                    var footer = getDataHelper(24)
                    footer.view.setUint32(0, 0x504b0708)

                    if (zipObject.crc) {
                        zipObject.header.view.setUint32(10, zipObject.crc.get(), true)
                        footer.view.setUint32(4, zipObject.crc.get(), true)

                    let zip64Extra = getDataHelper(28)
                    zipObject.header.view.setUint32(14, 0xffffffff, true)
                    zipObject.header.view.setUint32(18, 0xffffffff, true)
                    footer.view.setBigUint64(8, BigInt(zipObject.compressedLength), true)
                    footer.view.setBigInt64(16, BigInt(zipObject.uncompressedLength), true)
                    zip64Extra.view.setUint16(0, 0x0001, true)
                    zip64Extra.view.setUint16(2, 24, true)
                    zip64Extra.view.setBigUint64(4, BigInt(zipObject.uncompressedLength), true)
                    zip64Extra.view.setBigUint64(12, BigInt(zipObject.compressedLength), true)
                    zip64Extra.view.setBigUint64(20, BigInt(files[name].offset), true)
                    zipObject.extraArray = zip64Extra.array

                    offset += zipObject.compressedLength + footer.array.length

            if (!activeZipObject) {
                activeZipObject = zipObject
        close() {
            if (closed) throw new TypeError('Cannot close a readable stream that has already been requested to be closed')
            if (!activeZipObject) closeZip()
            closed = true

    function closeZip() {
        var length = 0
        var index = 0
        var indexFilename, file, cdOffset, totalEntries = filenames.length
        for (indexFilename = 0; indexFilename < totalEntries; indexFilename++) {
            file = files[filenames[indexFilename]]
            length += 46 + file.nameBuf.length + file.comment.length
            if (file.extraArray) {
                length += file.extraArray.length
        cdOffset = offset

        const data = getDataHelper(length + 56 + 20 + 22)
        for (indexFilename = 0; indexFilename < totalEntries; indexFilename++) {
            file = files[filenames[indexFilename]]
            data.view.setUint32(index, 0x504b0102)
            data.view.setUint16(index + 4, 0x1400)
            data.array.set(file.header.array, index + 6)
            if (file.extraArray) {
                data.view.setUint16(index + 30, file.extraArray.length, true)
            data.view.setUint16(index + 32, file.comment.length, true)
            if ( {
                data.view.setUint8(index + 38, 0x10)
            if (file.offset >= 0xffffffff)
                data.view.setUint32(index + 42, 0xffffffff, true)
                data.view.setUint32(index + 42, file.offset, true)

            data.array.set(file.nameBuf, index + 46)
            var extraLength = 0
            if (file.extraArray) {
                extraLength = file.extraArray.length
                data.array.set(file.extraArray, index + 46 + file.nameBuf.length)
            data.array.set(file.comment, index + 46 + file.nameBuf.length + extraLength)
            index += 46 + file.nameBuf.length + file.comment.length + extraLength

        // Zip64 End of Central Directory record
        // 0: Signature
        data.view.setUint32(index, 0x504b0606);
        // 4: Size of zip64 EOCD
        data.view.setBigUint64(index + 4, BigInt(44), true);
        // 12: Version made By
        data.view.setUint16(index + 12, 45, true);
        // 14: version needed to extract
        data.view.setUint16(index + 14, 45, true);
        // 16: number of this disk
        // 20: number of the disk with the start of CD
        // 24: total number of entries in the central directory on this disk
        data.view.setBigUint64(index + 24, BigInt(totalEntries), true);
        // 32: total number of entries in the central directory
        data.view.setBigUint64(index + 32, BigInt(totalEntries), true);
        // 40: size of the central directory
        data.view.setBigUint64(index + 40, BigInt(length), true);
        // 48: Offset of start of central directory
        data.view.setBigUint64(index + 48, BigInt(cdOffset), true);
        index += 56

        // Zip64 End of Central Directory locator
        // 0: Signature
        data.view.setUint32(index, 0x504b0607);
        // 4: number of the disk with the zip64 EOCD
        // 8: Offset of the zip64 EOCD
        data.view.setBigUint64(index + 8, BigInt(cdOffset + length), true);
        // 16: total number of disks
        data.view.setUint32(index + 16, 1, true);
        index += 20

        // EOCD must set these values to 0xffff and 0xffffffff when using ZIP64 format
        totalEntries = 0xffff;
        cdOffset = 0xffffffff;

        data.view.setUint32(index, 0x504b0506)
        data.view.setUint16(index + 8, totalEntries, true)
        data.view.setUint16(index + 10, totalEntries, true)
        data.view.setUint32(index + 12, length, true)
        data.view.setUint32(index + 16, cdOffset, true)

    function processNextChunk() {
        if (!activeZipObject) return
        if ( return activeZipObject.writeFooter(activeZipObject.writeHeader())
        if (activeZipObject.reader) return pump(activeZipObject)
        if ( {
            activeZipObject.crc = new Crc32()
            activeZipObject.reader =
        } else next()
    return new ReadableStream({
        start: c => {
            ctrl = c
            underlyingSource.start && Promise.resolve(underlyingSource.start(zipWriter))
        pull() {
            return processNextChunk() || (
                underlyingSource.pull &&

window.ZIP = createWriter

PidgeyBE avatar Apr 18 '24 10:04 PidgeyBE