The-Three-Little-Pigs-Siri-Proxy copied to clipboard
iPhone 4S Connection Issue
Hello. I set up my proxy completely and successfully, sent the ca.pem to my iPhone 4 and 4S, installed it, entered the server IP in Spire (iPhone 4 iOS 6.0 GM),and entered the server IP on the 4S under DNS. When I talked to siri on the 4S, she responded. When I talked to siri on the 4, nothing happened. So I tried again, this time while I was watching terminal. Same result when I talked to siri, but nothing at all happens in termial when I use the 4S. This is what I get when I use the 4:
Create server for iPhone connection [Info - SiriProxy] Created a connection! [Info - Plugin Manager] Plugins loaded: [#<SiriProxy::Plugin::Example:0x00000002fab638 @manager=#<SiriProxy::PluginManager:0x00000002fac830 @person="", @plugins=[...]>>] [Info - SiriProxy] Created a connection! [Info - Siriproxy] Curent connections [2] [Info - SiriProxy] GSM iPhone 4 connected from IP [Info - SiriProxy] Changed header to iPhone 4S [Info - iPhone] Received Object: GetSessionCertificate (group: [Protection - Siriproxy] Dropping Object from iPhone] GetSessionCertificate due to no Validation or Authentification available [Protection - Siriproxy] Closing both connections...
What's wrong? I'm running Ubuntu in Parallels on a Mac. Could it be the way I have the networking set up with Ubuntu? I've tried every combination of IPs for Spire and the DNS field. (Port numbers, no port numbers, computer's ip, server's ip, NOTHING!) Thanks!
Are you sure you brought a 4S? Not a 4?