1filellm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
1filellm copied to clipboard

Specify a github or local repo, github pull request, arXiv or Sci-Hub paper, Youtube transcript or documentation URL on the web and scrape into a text file and clipboard for easier LLM ingestion

Command Line Data Aggregation Tool for LLM Ingestion

This is a command-line tool that aggregates and preprocesses data from various sources into a single text file and copies it to the clipboard.

This enables the quick creation of information-dense prompts for large language models (LLMs) by combining content from repositories, research papers, websites, and other sources.

For more detailed program documentation see architecture.md


  • Automatic source type detection based on provided path, URL, or identifier
  • Support for local files and/or directories, GitHub repositories, GitHub pull requests, GitHub issues, academic papers from ArXiv, YouTube transcripts, web page documentation, Sci-Hub hosted papers via DOI or PMID
  • Handling of multiple file formats, including Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb), and PDFs
  • Web crawling functionality to extract content from linked pages up to a specified depth
  • Integration with Sci-Hub for automatic downloading of research papers using DOIs or PMIDs
  • Text preprocessing, including compressed and uncompressed outputs, stopword removal, and lowercase conversion
  • Automatic copying of uncompressed text to the clipboard for easy pasting into LLMs
  • Token count reporting for both compressed and uncompressed outputs

Data Flow Diagram

                                 |      External Services         |
                                 |  GitHub API  | YouTube API     |
                                 |  Sci-Hub     | ArXiv           |
 +----------------------+          +---------------------+         +----------------------+
 |                      |          |                     |         |                      |
 |        User          |          |  Command Line Tool  |         |  External Libraries  |
 |----------------------|          |---------------------|         |----------------------|
 | - Provides input URL |--------->| - Handles user input|         | - Requests           |
 |                      |          | - Detects source    |<--------| - BeautifulSoup      |
 | - Receives text      |          |   type              |         | - PyPDF2             |
 |   in clipboard       |<---------| - Calls appropriate |         | - Tiktoken           |
 |                      |          |   processing modules|         | - NLTK               |
 +----------------------+          | - Preprocesses text |         | - Nbformat           |
                                   | - Generates output  |         | - Nbconvert          |
                                   |   files             |         | - YouTube Transcript |
                                   | - Copies text to    |         |   API                |
                                   |   clipboard         |         | - Pyperclip          |
                                   | - Reports token     |         | - Wget               |
                                   |   count             |         | - Tqdm               |
                                   +---------------------+         | - Rich               |
                                           |                       +----------------------+
                                    | Source Type         |
                                    | Detection           |
                                    | - Determines type   |
                                    |   of source         |
                                    | Processing Modules  |
                                    | - GitHub Repo Proc  |
                                    | - Local Dir Proc    |
                                    | - YouTube Transcript|
                                    |   Proc              |
                                    | - ArXiv PDF Proc    |
                                    | - Sci-Hub Paper Proc|
                                    | - Webpage Crawling  |
                                    |   Proc              |
                                    | Text Preprocessing  |
                                    | - Stopword removal  |
                                    | - Lowercase         |
                                    |   conversion        |
                                    | - Text cleaning     |
                                    | Output Generation   |
                                    | - Compressed text   |
                                    |   file output       |
                                    | - Uncompressed text |
                                    |   file output       |
                                    | Token Count         |
                                    | Reporting           |
                                    | - Report token count|
                                    |                     |
                                    | - Copies text to    |
                                    |   clipboard         |

Recent Changes

  • 2024-05-17: Added ability to pass path or URL as command line argument.
  • 2024-05-16: Updated text colors.
  • 2024-05-11:
    • Updated requirements.txt.
    • Added Rich library to onefilellm.py.
  • 2024-04-04:
    • Added GitHub PR and issue tests.
    • Added GitHub PR and issues.
    • Added tests for GitHub PRs and issues.
    • Added ability to concatenate specific GitHub issue and repo when GitHub issue URL is passed.
    • Updated tests to include pull request changes.
    • Added ability to concatenate pull request and repo when GitHub pull request URL is passed.
  • 2024-04-03:
    • Included the ability to pull a complete GitHub pull request given the GitHub pull request URL.
    • Updated onefilellm.py to return an error when Sci-hub is inaccessible or no document is found.
  • 2024-03-19:
    • Updated for Sci-Hub integration.
    • Added Sci-Hub DOI and PMIDs to test battery.
    • Added tests for Sci-Hub downloads via DOI and PMID.
  • 2024-03-18:
    • Updated for Sci-Hub, medrxiv, biorxiv & xlsx integration.
    • Added libraries.
    • Added Sci-Hub integration via paper's DOI or PMID.
  • 2024-03-06:
    • Created automated testing README.
    • Added automated self-testing module.
    • Renamed onefilellm.py for automated testing (no number as module's first character).
  • 2024-02-13: Added ability to ingest YouTube transcripts from URL.



Install the required dependencies:

pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Optionally, create a virtual environment for isolation:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -U -r requirements.txt

GitHub Personal Access Token

To access private GitHub repositories, generate a personal access token as described in the 'Obtaining a GitHub Personal Access Token' section.


Clone the repository or download the source code.


Run the script using the following command:

python onefilellm.py


Or pass the URL or path in at the command line for the same behavior with less human interaction:

python onefilellm.py https://github.com/jimmc414/1filellm

The tool supports the following input options:

  • Local file path (e.g., C:\documents\report.pdf)
  • Local directory path (e.g., C:\projects\research) -> (files of selected filetypes segmented into one flat text file)
  • GitHub repository URL (e.g., https://github.com/jimmc414/onefilellm) -> (Repo files of selected filetypes segmented into one flat text file)
  • GitHub pull request URL (e.g., https://github.com/dear-github/dear-github/pull/102) -> (Pull request diff detail and comments and entire repository content concatenated into one flat text file)
  • GitHub issue URL (e.g., https://github.com/isaacs/github/issues/1191) -> (Issue details, comments, and entire repository content concatenated into one flat text file)
  • ArXiv paper URL (e.g., https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.14295) -> (Full paper PDF to text file)
  • YouTube video URL (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ_NlnmPQYk) -> (Video transcript to text file)
  • Webpage URL (e.g., https://llm.datasette.io/en/stable/) -> (To scrape pages to x depth in segmented text file)
  • Sci-Hub Paper DOI (Digital Object Identifier of Sci-Hub hosted paper) (e.g., 10.1053/j.ajkd.2017.08.002) -> (Full Sci-Hub paper PDF to text file)
  • Sci-Hub Paper PMID (PubMed Identifier of Sci-Hub hosted paper) (e.g., 29203127) -> (Full Sci-Hub paper PDF to text file)

The script generates the following output files:

  • uncompressed_output.txt: The full text output, automatically copied to the clipboard.
  • compressed_output.txt: Cleaned and compressed text.
  • processed_urls.txt: A list of all processed URLs during web crawling.


  • To modify the allowed file types for repository processing, update the allowed_extensions list in the code.
  • To change the depth of web crawling, adjust the max_depth variable in the code.

Obtaining a GitHub Personal Access Token

To access private GitHub repositories, you need a personal access token. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your GitHub account and go to Settings.
  2. Navigate to Developer settings > Personal access tokens.
  3. Click on "Generate new token" and provide a name.
  4. Select the necessary scopes (at least repo for private repositories).
  5. Click "Generate token" and copy the token value.

In the onefilellm.py script, replace GITHUB_TOKEN with your actual token or set it as an environment variable:

  • For Windows:

    setx GITHUB_TOKEN "YourGitHubToken"
  • For Linux:

    echo 'export GITHUB_TOKEN="YourGitHubToken"' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc


  • For Repos, Modify this line of code to add or remove filetypes processed: allowed_extensions = ['.py', '.txt', '.js', '.rst', '.sh', '.md', '.pyx', '.html', '.yaml','.json', '.jsonl', '.ipynb', '.h', '.c', '.sql', '.csv']
  • For Web scraping, Modify this line of code to change how many links deep from the starting URL to include max_depth = 2
  • Token counts are displayed in the console for both output files.
