vim-spacemacs copied to clipboard
Spacemacs keybindings ported to Vim
Spacemacs key bindings ported to Vim.
Please open an issue or create a pull request if there is a Spacemacs key binding or plugin specific key binding that you use which is not included.
Using Plug:
Plug 'jimmay5469/vim-spacemacs'
Using Vundle:
Plugin 'jimmay5469/vim-spacemacs'
Leader Key
By default this plugin uses whatever leader key you have set up. If you like Spacemacs and you aren't already using <SPACE>
as your leader key, then you can set it in your .vimrc
using the following:
let mapleader = "\<SPACE>"
You can also use <SPACE>
just for this plugin without changing your leader key:
let g:spacemacs#leader = '<SPACE>'
Enable Plugin Specific Key Bindings
There are currently key bindings for the following plugins:
let g:spacemacs#plugins = [
\ 'airblade/vim-gitgutter',
\ 'easymotion/vim-easymotion',
\ 'kien/ctrlp.vim',
\ 'mbbill/undotree',
\ 'rking/ag.vim',
\ 'scrooloose/nerdtree',
\ 'shougo/unite.vim',
\ 'szw/vim-maximizer',
\ 'tpope/vim-commentary',
\ 'tpope/vim-fugitive',
\ ]
Pick and choose based on which plugins you have installed. If there are duplicate key bindings across plugins the last one in this list will win.
Again: please open an issue or create a pull request if there is a Spacemacs key binding or plugin specific key binding that you use which is not included.
Exclude/Overwrite Key Binding Patterns
If you would like to customize or disable key bindings simply provide a list of regex patterns to exclude:
let g:spacemacs#excludes = [
\ '^b',
\ '^fs',
\ ]
nnoremap <LEADER>fs :wa<CR>
Using vim-leader-guide For Discoverability
If you would like a key binding guide like in Spacemacs, hecal3/vim-leader-guide should work fine. All you need to do is install it and it will pick up the key bindings from this plugin.
Plug 'hecal3/vim-leader-guide'
nnoremap <silent> <LEADER> :<C-U>LeaderGuide '<SPACE>'<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <LEADER> :<C-U>LeaderGuideVisual '<SPACE>'<CR>
I am considering adding a dictionary of group names and descriptions that you can use if desired.