Working on [Celebr-8000](https://scryfall.com/search?q=!celebr8000)
Taking a shot at [Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin](https://scryfall.com/search?q=!obnixiliscaptivekingpin) and [Deification](https://scryfall.com/search?q=!deification)
Working on [Mr. House, President and CEO](https://scryfall.com/search?q=!mrhousepresidentandceo)
Working on [Cleopatra, Exiled Pharaoh](https://scryfall.com/search?q=!cleopatraexiledpharaoh)
It looks like my use of `CardUtil.getEventTargets(event).contains(damagedEvent.getTargetId())` (line 850, GameState.java) is catching any event that happens to contain the interested target, and then sums up the total damage dealt in...
Here's a conundrum: I added some logging to `GameState` and `DamagedBatchEvent`: `GameState::addSimultaneousDamage`: ```java // per permanent if (isPermanentDamage && event instanceof DamagedBatchForOnePermanentEvent) { DamagedBatchForOnePermanentEvent oldPermanentBatch = (DamagedBatchForOnePermanentEvent) event; if (oldPermanentBatch.getDamageClazz().isInstance(damagedEvent)...
Also, based on the order that these prints are made in relation to addEvent, it looks like the logger is resolving inline code after its called, not when its called....
~I think the logger's threading relationship with the actual code might be causing some issues with scrutinizing the code's actual behavior. Either that, or~ (just saw your previous comments) Maybe...
> You can insert `new Throwable().printStackTrace();` in some places to see a full stack and find original code that was called. Tried this, it provided what i would expect normally--the...