launchrocket copied to clipboard
Add "Show plist in Finder" button
added show plist file in finder button.
Apparently xCode 5.1 is forcing me to convert the project to ARC which i'm not in the mood to do at the moment. I love the idea, but I'm concerned you took visual space I was saving for a different feature. Could you attache a screenshot?
Here is the screenshot of what I've done. I placed the button next to the Remove button which is actually takes place if you are saving there for the other feature. I think it's great to have "Show in Finder" feature in any way. thanks.
Yes, that is where I'm going to put the "start at login" checkbox. I like this feature though, so I'm going to figure out a way to fit it in.
I got the selenium-standalone-server installed and the space is already not there to show the name fully. You should think about a 2-lines-layout for each cell/row. First row will be exclusively reserved for the service name, action buttons will go into the second line.
How about a Details view, where all this and more could fit in?
Sorry for my ignorance; what's ARC and it is problematic for some reason?