AnimatedProgress icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AnimatedProgress copied to clipboard

Animating a Xamarin Forms progress bar


Animating a Xamarin Forms progress bar using attached properties.

This turns this:

Boring unanimated progressbar

To this:

Exciting animated progressbar

This is available as a Nuget package:

To use it, add the attached property to a progress bar and bind to your view model:

Install-Package JimBobBennett.AnimatedProgress
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
  <StackLayout Padding="20,100" Spacing="40">
    <ProgressBar jbb:AttachedProperties.AnimatedProgress="{Binding Progress}"

There are three properties you can set:

AnimatedProgress is used to set the progress value to animate to.

AnimatedProgressAnimationTime is the time in milliseconds for the progress animation

AnimatedProgressEasing is the name of the easing function to use. This needs to match one of the static members on the Xamarin.Forms.Easing class, such as SinIn or BounceOut.