Jim Jin
Jim Jin
So, we can't change the codec to `vp9` for now?
> You can do so munging the SDP. OK. We'll try it. By the way, is it possible to use `av1`?
> Yes, it's supported now. Fantastic! Looking forward to [RTCRtpTransceiver.setCodecPreferences](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCRtpTransceiver/setCodecPreferences) then.
> Don't hold your breadth, we are not working on adding that API before the first stable unified plan release. > > You can still use AV1 via SDP munging...
> > I had that issue and a dumb workaround when I was creating a file browser, I used NextUI's Table as a list view for files and I wanted...
Same issue when using nodejs v19.