datetime_picker_formfield copied to clipboard
datetime picker suddenly showing up after navigator.pop()
hello, you've made an awesome library but I found a bug (maybe). I'm using this package in a simple form widget that contains some TextField and your date time picker widget. after the form widget closed the date time picker suddenly popped up, I also using WillPopScope widget in my form widget, just to ask user if they really want to close the form.
have the same issue, any resolution for this?
flutter upgrade seems to solve the problem
same here,flutter upgrade not work for me
@pingxiaodou I updated my flutter to 1.12.13 hotfix-8 seems fix the problem, maybe you should try
@pingxiaodou I updated my flutter to 1.12.13 hotfix-8 seems fix the problem, maybe you should try
Thanks for your reply,update flutter to 1.12.13 hotfix-8 dosenot work for me,I solved it by call FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(FocusNode()); before Navigator.pop(context);
@pingxiaodou FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(FocusNode()); before Navigator.pop(context); This also works fine! That might be a quick workaround.