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Chinese NER using Lattice LSTM. Code for ACL 2018 paper.

Results 14 LatticeLSTM issues
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Hi jiesutd, I've got ontonotes-4.0 copyright from LDC, and tryed to split the NER data set by myself. But I've got a different size of data set, especially on dev...

大家好呀,有没有人知道run demo之后要训练多久才能出结果呢?



```python weight_hh_data = torch.eye(self.hidden_size) weight_hh_data = weight_hh_data.repeat(1, 3) alpha_weight_hh_data = torch.eye(self.hidden_size) alpha_weight_hh_data = alpha_weight_hh_data.repeat(1, 1) ``` > model\", line 107, in reset_parameters > > RuntimeError: set_storage is...

```python i, o, g = torch.split(wh_b + wi, split_size_or_sections=self.hidden_size, dim=1) i = torch.sigmoid(i) g = torch.tanh(g) o = torch.sigmoid(o) c_num = len(c_input) if c_num == 0: f = 1 -...

你好,我想问一下Character-Based Model部分 Char+softword中segmentation label embedding lookup table这个表用的是什么文件呢?

您好,请问您可以分享一下ontonote4.0的数据集么,我的邮箱是[email protected],我可以先把授权发给您。

when i run test/decode, there is an error on "load_model_decode". Information like: _size mismatch for lstm.hidden2tag.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([20, 200]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model...
