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Unable to save updated data frame as .rds file with below replicated r shiny app
I got below replication of R shiny app which is simpler version of yours, when run it and edit the last column of iris data frame, the app always give me this error message: Warning: Error in <<-: invalid (NULL) left side of assignment Could you please help me to debug it? Thanks.
library(shiny) library(DT)
ui <- fluidPage( DTOutput("iris_table") )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
create a reactive copy of iris data frame
iris_data <- reactiveVal(iris)
render the data table with editable option for the last column
output$iris_table <- renderDT({ datatable(iris_data(), editable = list(target = "column", disable = list(columns = c(0:4)))) })
update the iris data frame when the user edits the last column
observeEvent(input$iris_table_cell_edit, { info <- input$iris_table_cell_edit str(info) i <- info$row j <- info$col v <- info$value iris_data()[i, j] <<- DT::coerceValue(v, iris_data()[i, j])
# save the updated iris data frame as iris_updated.rds file in a directory
saveRDS(iris_data(), file = "iris_updated.rds")
}) }
shinyApp(ui, server)