cs140e copied to clipboard
CS140e without Rust is not CS140e. Sergio Benitez plz come back.
My code for Stanford cs140e. See archived copy of CS140e.
Using alias code-rust="env RUST_TARGET_PATH=(pwd) RUST_LOG=rls=debug CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 code-insiders"
in my fish config.
Setup Rust toolchain:
rustup toolchain install nightly-2019-01-01
rustup component add rustfmt-preview rls-preview rust-src rust-analysis
# in cs140e directory
cargo install cargo-xbuild
Build bootloader first, then
cp os/bootloader/build/bootloader.bin /Volumes/boot/kernel8.img
cp os/bootloader/ext/config.txt /Volumes/boot/config.txt
cd os/kernel
make install; and screen /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
Up and running
To run kernel in QEMU, build kernel and then run it:
cd os/kernel
make QEMU=1
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine raspi3 -serial null -serial mon:stdio -kernel build/kernel.bin -s -sd ../../2-fs/files/resources/mock1.fat32.img
To run in Raspberry Pi 3, please refer to cs140e webpage.