Does anyone know of a newsletter/blog or similar, where one could enter an email address to be notified when the situation changes with Brushes? It's such a great app, I...
mn4367's 'solution' hasn't even been tested, as far as I can tell from these comments. It sounds to me like anyone with a Brushes 3 library who's upgraded to iOS...
tougher, I downloaded Redux to test it out, and am seeing weird jaggy edge anomalies when drawing. They go away when just viewing the file, but it's really distracting when...
Sorry, my bad... So iExplorer is the solution!
@tougher, it's an iPad Air 2...
@lotinlife, no, I didn't. It sounded like @tougher needed to get his hands on an iPad Air 2 to see what might be causing it. Is that what you're using...
I'm happy to do testing for you! Just let me know what you need...
@lotinlife, yes, they disappear when you're not editing the image, but as soon as you go back in to draw some more, they reappear. For me anyway...
@marihilda At this point, all we know is that it happens on the iPad Air 2. Haven't tried my iPhone 6...
Okay, so I checked, and I'm seeing the same anomaly on iPhone 6. Something in the hardware of the newest devices...