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nativescript-mediafilepicker copied to clipboard

A complete file picker solution for NativeScript

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A complete file picker solution for NativeScript. You will be able to pickup any types of file. Capturing image, video & audio are supported. It's a combination features of nativescript-imagepicker and nativescript-camera plugin with some extended features using following native libaries:

Old version (v1.X) can be found from this branch


  • Image, Video, Audio & custom file picker.
  • Capturing Image, Video and Audio from APP directly.
  • Custom files like pdf, text etc support. For iOS I have used UIDocumentPickerViewController
  • Single or Multiple selections.
  • More...


  • Anything those exists in Native Library. You can check the native libaries.
  • ~~In iOS after selecting file you may not be able to use it directly. In this case you will need to copy that file in your app directory. After using it you can delete it for reducing storage memory usage. Please check the demo for more details.~~ Only for iOS Audio picker.
  • ~~At present selecting iCloud file isn't supported for iOS because of Native Library limitation.~~

Note: I am not an expert of neigher iOS nor Android. So, please contribute if you think something you can do better :)

NativeScript Version Support

NS Version nativescript-mediafilepicker version Install command Docs
^7.0.0 ^4.0.0 ns plugin add nativescript-mediafilepicker This page
^6.0.0 ^3.0.0 tns plugin add nativescript-mediafilepicker@^3.0.0 Here

Installation (NS 7)

ns plugin add nativescript-mediafilepicker

Usage (NS 7) (Please check demo project for details)



var mPicker = require("nativescript-mediafilepicker");
var mediafilepicker = new mPicker.Mediafilepicker();


import { Mediafilepicker, ImagePickerOptions, VideoPickerOptions, AudioPickerOptions, FilePickerOptions } from 'nativescript-mediafilepicker';

Image File Picker

let options: ImagePickerOptions = {
    android: {
        isCaptureMood: false, // if true then camera will open directly.
        isNeedCamera: true,
        maxNumberFiles: 10,
        isNeedFolderList: true
    }, ios: {
        isCaptureMood: false, // if true then camera will open directly.
        isNeedCamera: true,
        maxNumberFiles: 10

let mediafilepicker = new Mediafilepicker();

mediafilepicker.on("getFiles", function (res) {
    let results = res.object.get('results');

// for iOS iCloud downloading status
mediafilepicker.on("exportStatus", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

mediafilepicker.on("error", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

mediafilepicker.on("cancel", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

Video File Picker

let allowedVideoQualities = [];

if (app.ios) {
    allowedVideoQualities = [AVCaptureSessionPreset1920x1080, AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh];  // get more from here:

let options: VideoPickerOptions = {
    android: {
        isCaptureMood: false, // if true then camera will open directly.
        isNeedCamera: true,
        maxNumberFiles: 2,
        isNeedFolderList: true,
        maxDuration: 20,

    ios: {
        isCaptureMood: false, // if true then camera will open directly.
        videoMaximumDuration: 10,
        allowedVideoQualities: allowedVideoQualities

let mediafilepicker = new Mediafilepicker(); 

mediafilepicker.on("getFiles", function (res) {
    let results = res.object.get('results');

// for iOS iCloud downloading status
mediafilepicker.on("exportStatus", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

mediafilepicker.on("error", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

mediafilepicker.on("cancel", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

Audio File Picker

let options: AudioPickerOptions = {
    android: {
        isCaptureMood: false, // if true then voice recorder will open directly.
        isNeedRecorder: true,
        maxNumberFiles: 2,
        isNeedFolderList: true,
        maxSize: 102400 // Maximum size of recorded file in bytes. 5900 = ~ 1 second
    ios: {
        isCaptureMood: false, // if true then voice recorder will open directly.
        maxNumberFiles: 5,
        audioMaximumDuration: 10,

let mediafilepicker = new Mediafilepicker(); 

mediafilepicker.on("getFiles", function (res) {
    let results = res.object.get('results');

mediafilepicker.on("error", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

mediafilepicker.on("cancel", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

Custom File Picker

let extensions = [];

if (app.ios) {
    extensions = [kUTTypePDF, kUTTypeText]; // you can get more types from here:
} else {
    extensions = ['txt', 'pdf'];

let options: FilePickerOptions = {
    android: {
        extensions: extensions,
        maxNumberFiles: 2
    ios: {
        extensions: extensions,
        multipleSelection: true

let mediafilepicker = new Mediafilepicker(); 

mediafilepicker.on("getFiles", function (res) {
    let results = res.object.get('results');

mediafilepicker.on("error", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

mediafilepicker.on("cancel", function (res) {
    let msg = res.object.get('msg');

Usage in Angular

mediafilepicker.on("getFiles", event => { => {
		// do your stuff here
		// any UI changes will be reflected

All Methods

openImagePicker(params: ImagePickerOptions): void;
openVideoPicker(params: VideoPickerOptions): void;
openAudioPicker(params: AudioPickerOptions): void;
openFilePicker(params: FilePickerOptions): void;

// iOS only
copyPHImageToAppDirectory(rawData: PHAsset, fileName: any): Promise<{}>;
copyPHVideoToAppDirectory(asset: AVURLAsset, fileName: any): Promise<{}>;
convertPHImageToUIImage(rawData: PHAsset): Promise<{}>;
copyUIImageToAppDirectory(image: UIImage, fileName: any): Promise<{}>;
copyMPMediaFileToAPPDirectory(mediaItem: MPMediaItem, filename: any): Promise<{}>;    

All options

export interface ImagePickerOptions {
    android?: {
        isCaptureMood?: boolean;
        isNeedCamera?: boolean;
        maxNumberFiles?: number;
        isNeedFolderList?: boolean;
    ios?: {
        isCaptureMood?: boolean;
        isNeedCamera?: boolean;
        maxNumberFiles?: number;
        hostView?: View;
export interface VideoPickerOptions {
    android?: {
        isCaptureMood?: boolean;
        isNeedCamera?: boolean;
        maxNumberFiles?: number;
        isNeedFolderList?: boolean;
        maxDuration?: number;
        videoQuality?: number;
    ios?: {
        isCaptureMood?: boolean;
        maxNumberFiles?: number;
        videoMaximumDuration?: number;
        allowedVideoQualities?: Array<string>; //
        hostView?: View;
export interface AudioPickerOptions {
    android?: {
        isCaptureMood?: boolean;
        isNeedRecorder?: boolean;
        maxNumberFiles?: number;
        isNeedFolderList?: boolean;
        maxSize?: number;
    ios?: {
        isCaptureMood?: boolean;
        maxNumberFiles?: number;
        audioMaximumDuration?: number;
        hostView?: View;
export interface FilePickerOptions {
    android?: {
        extensions: Array<string>;
        maxNumberFiles?: number;
    ios?: {
        extensions: Array<string>; //
        multipleSelection?: boolean;
        hostView?: View;



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ios ios ios ios ios


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