
Results 20 issues of jibbers42

I'm not sure if enough people would participate to make it work out, but it might be nice to enable Discussions so there is a place to ask for advice...

I'd like to configure`groupAndSortGetterMethods` and `groupAndSortVariableTypes` for grouping without sorting. This would be nice for pulling together types that were accidentally put out of group, but still allowing a custom,...


Attention: If you open a bug report without sufficient details, it will be closed. Is your question related to Android 12? Please check the notes on Android 12 first (https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_native_splash#android-12-support)....

**Before creating a bug report please make check the following** - [ ] You have read our [FAQ](https://fvm.app/docs/guides/faq) - [ ] If you have used flutter. Please install correctly, run...

need info

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** FVM uses OS/filesystem specific path separators in `.vscode/settings.json` for the setting `dart.flutterSdkPath`. For teams that share settings, this will causes...


I'm guessing this is the correct repo as my issue in vscode repo was closed (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/202895). **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. When...

is enhancement
in testing

Hello, I would appreciate an option to disable the horizontal line in "rainbow lines", but keep the vertical one. I really like the feature, but unfortunately I find the horizontal...

I have created a token with the default of 9 decimals and the largest value I can enter to mint in the UI is 9007199, which lines up with JavaScript...

- [x] I have a question that is specific to this extension; thus, inappropriate for the main [EditorConfig issue tracker](https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig/issues). - [ ] I tried running `code --disable-extensions` and the...


Specific to Dart, I'd like a feature to preserve lint ignore lines such as: ```dart // My really good reason that is either very short or wraps just a bit...