
Results 13 issues of Jiaqi

Hi, I have a several local package use in the dotnet project. (*.nupkg) how to add those into dotnet template?

你好,耿老师。 发现一个问题: ``` % 当前帧数 \newcommand{\sidebarcurframe}[1]{% \tikzexternaldisable% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]% \coordinate (CS) at (0,0.8ex); % 当前section标记的坐标 \coordinate (CF) at (IS |- CS); % 当前帧数的坐标 {% \usebeamercolor{palette sidebar primary}% \usebeamercolor{nwafusidebar}% % \draw[color=bg,line...

In my mac environment with big sur arm64 arch. - step1: cp catalina.platform bigsur.platform - step2: brew install openmpi boost openblas wget gnuplot bash modules - step3: run `./candi.sh --platform=deal.II-toolchain/platforms/supported/bigsur.platform...