Face_Detection_Alignment copied to clipboard
pad function on face_detect seem not to work
First of all congrats for the impressive work!
When trying the different demo notebooks I get an error in the pad
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-147bcad63f9d> in <module>()
7 bounding_boxes = np.array([[bbox.points[0][1], bbox.points[0][0], bbox.points[2][1], bbox.points[2][0], 1.]])
8 # 1 step box regression to simulate the variance of detector
----> 9 bounding_boxes, points = detect_face.box_regression(image.pixels_with_channels_at_back() * 255, onet, bounding_boxes, 0.001)
11 print('Box Number: %s' % bounding_boxes.shape[0])
~/repos/Face_Detection_Alignment/detect_face.py in box_regression(img, onet, total_boxes, threshold)
399 total_boxes = rerec(total_boxes)
400 total_boxes = np.fix(total_boxes).astype(np.int32)
--> 401 dy, edy, dx, edx, y, ey, x, ex, tmpw, tmph = pad(total_boxes.copy(), w, h)
402 tempimg = np.zeros((48,48,3,numbox))
403 for k in range(0,numbox):
~/repos/Face_Detection_Alignment/detect_face.py in pad(total_boxes, w, h)
524 tmp = np.where(ex>w)
--> 525 edx[tmp] = np.expand_dims(-ex[tmp]+w+tmpw[tmp],1)
526 ex[tmp] = w
ValueError: shape mismatch: value array of shape (0,1) could not be broadcast to indexing result of shape (0,)
I am trying to fix it but since I am not sure how this padding is implemented is kind of difficult.
I am using TF 1.3, Python 3.5