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contour issue
I am currently working with biopsy samples in Xenium. In my FFPE slides, I have 3-4 masses for each sample. After using the cv2_detect_contour function, I noticed that only one mass was successfully detected and contoured, while the others were not.
I know you suggested for contouring using coordinates, but unfortunately, the Xenium data does not include information about x-array and y-arrays.
Could you help me to handle this?
You can try this:
cnt_info=tesla.cv2_detect_contour(img, apertureSize=5, L2gradient = True, all_cnt_info=True)
binary=np.zeros((img.shape[0:2]), dtype=np.uint8)
for tmp in cnt_info:
if tmp[2]>100:
cv2.drawContours(binary, [cnt], -1, (1), thickness=-1)