Thank you for your files. The newest version will be release in the coming days. I tested in my side, it should be fixed. The issue is that if there...
For footPrint, you can follow the vignette to generate one. You do not need to use CENTIPEPE files as input. You can feed the binding sites predicted by other tools...
I will double check that. It will still output the warnings but will generate the split bam files.
Thank you for letting me know. I am happy to know you fixed the problem. I also updated the development version of the package. It may provide more useful information...
Hi Ben, This is a good suggestion. I will put it to my TODO list.
Sorry to update the documentation. try following code in the section of [control the labels](https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/trackViewer/inst/doc/lollipopPlot.html#Control_the_labels): ```{r} sample.gr.rot
I got what you mean. I just updated the function to handle label.parameter.draw. Please try to install the dev version via ```{r} BiocManager::install("jianhong/trackViewer") ``` Here is the documentation for that:...
# Package 'SGCP' Review Thank you for submition your package to Bioconductor. The package passed check and build. It is in pretty good shape. However there are several things need...
# Package 'betAS' Review Thank you for submition your package to Bioconductor. The package passed check and build. However there are several things need to be fixed. Please try to...
Hi Rui-Jing, Thank you for trying ATACseqQC to analyze your ATAC-seq data. Could you let me know the size of file by running the following code? ``` samtools view -b...