Results 121 comments of JIANHONG OU

Please refer the documentation of plotCorrelation. I add a sentence to address this issue: The correlation will be calculated by the correlation of insertion sites within promoter regions. Even the...

library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9) which

Could you minimize your bam files to repeat the error and share the files with me? I also want the sessionInfo of your running. Thank you.

Could you share your script to repeat the issue?

I think you may want to check your transcript name more carefully. Please try to get the correct transcripts like following code: n

@nalomran , Thank you for trying trackViewer to plot your data. Did you tried to change your plot region size ratio? Let me know how it work via: ```{r} pdf("test.pdf",...

Did you tried `lwd`? Is that what you want? library(trackViewer) SNP

Thank you for trying trackViewer. If you are using number (length of the factor levels) to set the colors, yes, it will only shown as 8 colors. See ?graphics::par section...

I am not sure i understand your comment. Could you please show me the screenshot?

trackViewer is using 'grid' system, not ggplot.