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estimateLibComplexity error
Hi ATACseqQC team, thanks for your nice package for atac-seq quality control. I get an error while i am doing estimateLibComplexity(readsDupFreq("test.bam")) it gives me the following error:
Error in f(t * t.scale): could not find function "f" Traceback:
- estimateLibComplexity(readsDupFreq(poorR1))
- suppressWarnings({ . result = ds.rSAC.bootstrap(histFile, r = 1, times = times) . })
- withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) if (inherits(w, . classes)) tryInvokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
- ds.rSAC.bootstrap(histFile, r = 1, times = times)
- f.rSACs[times]
when I try it on estimateLibComplexity(readsDupFreq("GL1.bam")) it works well but if I work with GL2.bam and GL3.bam from package extdata files similar error comes up.
I am using ATACseqQC Version: 1.12.5
could you please let me know what is difference between them and how can i resolve it?