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This github repo missing latest commits?
The latest release on pypi is (at the time of writing) 1.3.3 uploaded on 2014-05-25.
At the time of writing the latest commit here on github is 73c98e1756d481bbd0f8c7796ab4e81dd9724235 for version 1.3.0, made on 2014-02-15
So GitHub is missing this work (taken from history on google code):
Version 1.3.3 May 25 2014
Setting connection timeout, login timeout, query timeout are now well supported
close Issue 42 only set read only of connection when explicitly required.
Version 1.3.2 May 24 2014
close Issue 37, now you can set connecton.timeout or use cursor.set_timeout(timeout) to set the time when a query should time out. Thanks Aleksey!
Version 1.3.1 Mar 11 2014
close Issue 36, handling of datetime stamps
Do the latest changes need to be pushed here? Is this still the main development repo?
Thanks for your work on this. A pure Python implementation of pyodbc is a worthy goal and I hope we can keep this going.
It looks like @jiangwen365 has given up. There are a bunch of forks, the one that looks better seems to be from @braian87b
I've been using the code in a lot of projects, any help you need just let me know. I had plans to continue with the code-mixings from the others forks in a few days (there is some fixes missing) and I have many snippets to add as sample code usages. The work of @jiangwen365 on original code was really great!
@braian87b what's the best way to reach you? shall we keep using this tracker and just CC you? I have an issue that looks like a bug (with sql2012, every time I do:
select * from some_table where some_int_field in (3182894,3182895,3182896,3182897,3182898,3182899,3182900,3182901,3182902,3182903);`
through cursor.execute(), I get this error:
pypyodbc.Error: ('HY090', '[HY090] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid string or buffer length')
This with SQL Server Native Driver 11.0 on Win2012r2. It works fine with the Oracle driver :(
Ended up replacing it with pyodbc (literally just changed the import statement, and everything worked). Another victory for C libraries :(
@toyg, sorry, I was on vacation... that error seems to be related to ODBC, can you share the code snippet that fails?
conn = odbc.connect('Driver={{{driver}}}; Server={instancestring}; Address={host},{port}; Database={dbname}; Uid={user}; Pwd={pwd};'.format(driver='SQL Server', ... ) # etc etc
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
sql = "SELECT * FROM {app}_DATA_AUDIT WHERE LROWNUM IN ({rownums});".format(
rownums='123467,1234568,1234569...' ) # actually a list of 10 large numbers
rs = cursor.execute(sql)
Mh,... snippets seems to be fine... which python version are you using? python 2/3 ? pypyodbc doesn't appear to work well with python 3...
Python 3.4.3. I guess there's something in the buffer-handling code that's not entirely got to grips with new strings.
Hello guys. I'm just wondering if this is still the most up-to-date repo, as other forks appeared. The version on the last commit here by @braian87b says "1.3.0", but it's been updated on the past 4 months (witch seems a lot more recent than the "1.3.3" on pypi). Am I wrong? This package is awesome for implementing the whole thin in pure python by the way. Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot!
Hi, several months ago I had to do a lot of work in a project that runs against SQL Server 2000 and 2008, but I didn't wanted to install other dependencies on users computers (then I found and I use pypyodbc).
I have some troubles with several errors and validations, unicode, queries, etc, and invested a lot of time and managed to fix some, and get a simple working lib for project requierements of update's and select's...
Some day I had spare time and I created a Fork and merged some contributions from different users... then some days later I receive an email notifying me that I had push permission on main repository... Cool!...
But since then, some angry people sent me emails saying to me that they had problems and they want solutions, etc, I was even insulted because some of them were very rude...
Sadly I had no time now for contribute reviewing the code (I do not understant it completely because I didn't write it, just managed to understand some of it just at some superficial level)
I am sorry to not be able to help you.
Thanks @braian87b ! Sorry you get distrubed!
I no longer have the time and ability to maintain pypyodbc, because I now use pypyodbc seldomly because I spend less time do programing as a hobby... So one day among all forked versions I invited you to contribute.
If anybody wants to join the develop team please let me know. Thank you.
@jiangwen365 Was not a diturb! no problem!, just was some other guy that was nervous and it didn't know how opensource works, just that. Actually at that time I did think that I will have time to improve a little the code, but later I had run out of time... Always happens. Thanks!
Now move all 1.3.3 features to Github and version up to 1.3.4.
@jiangwen365 If you don't have the time, it might be a good idea to add:
a) a note in the readme asking for a new maintainer. b) open an issue where such proposals can be discussed.
Just my 2 cents... Thanks for all your efforts!