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cu118 cublas error solution CUDA11报错cublas解决方案
关于cuda11 报错 cublas的解决方案:
1、报错的原因是因为fast模式使用的 fast-whisper 主要支持CUDA12,对于CUDA11需要进行依赖包的更换:
《引用自fast-whisper》: Note: Latest versions of ctranslate2 support CUDA 12 only. For CUDA 11, the current workaround is downgrading to the 3.24.0 version of ctranslate2 (This can be done with pip install --force-reinstall ctranslate2==3.24.0 or specifying the version in a requirements.txt). ★将ctranslate2的版本降级到3.24.0 change ctranslate version to 3.24.0
3、还请题主更新requirment文件,区分cuda11的支持(或者我希望能成为项目贡献者,帮上忙【PS:我的时间不是很固定】) 我的pip list:
Package Version
absl-py 2.0.0 aiohttp 3.9.5 aiosignal 1.3.1 altgraph 0.17.4 annotated-types 0.6.0 anyio 3.7.1 asttokens 2.4.1 astunparse 1.6.3 async-timeout 4.0.3 attrs 23.1.0 audioread 3.0.1 av 11.0.0 azure-cognitiveservices-speech 1.37.0 cachetools 5.3.2 certifi 2024.2.2 cffi 1.16.0 chardet 3.0.4 charset-normalizer 3.2.0 click 7.1.2 colorama 0.4.6 coloredlogs 15.0.1 contourpy 1.1.1 ctranslate2 3.24.0 cycler 0.12.1 decorator 4.4.2 deepl 1.16.1 distro 1.8.0 edge-tts 6.1.11 elevenlabs 0.2.27 exceptiongroup 1.1.3 executing 2.0.1 faster-whisper 1.0.3 ffmpeg-python 0.2.0 filelock 3.12.4 flatbuffers 1.12 fonttools 4.43.1 frozenlist 1.4.0 fsspec 2023.10.0 future 0.18.3 gast 0.4.0 google-ai-generativelanguage 0.6.2 google-api-core 2.19.0 google-api-python-client 2.128.0 google-auth 2.29.0 google-auth-httplib2 0.2.0 google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.6 google-generativeai 0.5.2 google-pasta 0.2.0 googleapis-common-protos 1.63.0 grpcio 1.60.0 grpcio-status 1.60.0 gTTS 2.5.1 h11 0.14.0 h2 3.2.0 h5py 3.10.0 hpack 3.0.0 hstspreload 2023.1.1 httpcore 1.0.2 httplib2 0.22.0 httpx 0.25.1 huggingface-hub 0.17.3 humanfriendly 10.0 hyperframe 5.2.0 idna 2.10 imageio 2.31.4 imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.9 ipython 8.23.0 jedi 0.19.1 Jinja2 3.1.2 joblib 1.3.2 keras 2.9.0 Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2 kiwisolver 1.4.5 lazy_loader 0.3 libclang 16.0.6 librosa 0.10.1 llvmlite 0.42.0 Markdown 3.5 MarkupSafe 2.1.3 matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 more-itertools 10.1.0 moviepy 1.0.3 mpmath 1.3.0 msgpack 1.0.7 multidict 6.0.4 networkx 3.2 norbert 0.2.1 numba 0.59.1 numpy 1.26.0 oauthlib 3.2.2 onnxruntime 1.18.1 openai 1.2.3 openai-whisper 20231117 opt-einsum 3.3.0 ordered-set 4.1.0 packaging 23.1 pandas 1.5.3 parso 0.8.3 pefile 2023.2.7 Pillow 10.0.1 pip 24.0 platformdirs 3.11.0 plyer 2.1.0 pooch 1.7.0 proglog 0.1.10 prompt-toolkit 3.0.43 proto-plus 1.23.0 protobuf 4.25.1 pure-eval 0.2.2 pyasn1 0.5.0 pyasn1-modules 0.3.0 pycparser 2.21 pydantic 2.4.2 pydantic_core 2.10.1 pydub 0.25.1 pygame 2.5.2 Pygments 2.17.2 pyinstaller 6.6.0 pyinstaller-hooks-contrib 2024.4 pyparsing 3.1.1 pyreadline3 3.4.1 PySide6 6.7.0 PySide6_Addons 6.7.0 PySide6_Essentials 6.7.0 PySoundFile 0.9.0.post1 python-dateutil 2.8.2 pytz 2023.3.post1 pywin32-ctypes 0.2.2 pywinstyles 1.4 PyYAML 6.0.1 QDarkStyle 3.2.3 QtPy 2.4.1 regex 2023.10.3 requests 2.31.0 requests-oauthlib 1.3.1 resampy 0.4.2 rfc3986 1.5.0 rsa 4.9 samplerate 0.2.1 scikit-learn 1.3.2 scipy 1.11.3 setuptools 71.1.0 shiboken6 6.7.0 six 1.16.0 sniffio 1.3.0 soundfile 0.12.1 soxr 0.3.7 SpeechRecognition 3.10.0 srt 3.5.2 stack-data 0.6.3 sympy 1.12 tencentcloud-sdk-python-common 3.0.1032 tencentcloud-sdk-python-tmt 3.0.1032 termcolor 2.3.0 threadpoolctl 3.2.0 tiktoken 0.6.0 tokenizers 0.15.2 torch 2.4.0+cu118 torchaudio 2.4.0+cu118 tqdm 4.66.1 traitlets 5.14.1 typer 0.3.2 typing_extensions 4.8.0 uritemplate 4.1.1 urllib3 2.0.5 wcwidth 0.2.12 websockets 12.0 Werkzeug 3.0.1 wheel 0.43.0 wrapt 1.15.0 yarl 1.9.2 zhconv 1.4.3