highcharts-demo copied to clipboard
get data from mongodb
please help, i want to create charts with package meteor add maazalik:highcharts, using columnDemo https://github.com/jhuenges/highcharts-demo/blob/master/client/demos/columnDemo.js but i did'nt know how to get data from databes to this charts, i am using meteor example todos. https://github.com/aligos/pomodoro/blob/master/client/templates/chart.js
Can you check if this helps? If not, I can provide you with some more help.
actually i want to ask example like that :smile:
Okay, I have to see if I have some time later today.
I have managed to make monthly count, https://github.com/aligos/pomodoro/blob/master/client/templates/chart.js but I want to make per category as an example here, https://github.com/jhuenges/highcharts-demo/blob/master/client/demos/columnDemo.js
Can you give me an example of how your data looks (Todos.findOne({...})
)? I am not 100% sure i understand what you want.
this ss https://i.imgur.com/IY9DwZ7.png
and this my route https://github.com/aligos/pomodoro/blob/master/lib/router.js
Try this:
var chart;
* Function to draw the column chart
function builtColumn(chartData) {
chart = $('#container-column').highcharts({
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: 'Monthly Todos'
credits: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
categories: [
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Todos'
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',
pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{series.name}: </td>' +
'<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:f}</b></td></tr>',
footerFormat: '</table>',
shared: true,
useHTML: true
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPadding: 0.2,
borderWidth: 0
series: chartData
* Call the function to built the chart when the template is rendered
Template.columnDemo.onRendered(function() {
Tracker.autorun(function() {
var data = Todos.find().fetch();
// if there is no data, abort!
if (!data || data === []) return;
// Group data by listId
data = _.groupBy(data, function(todo) {
return todo.listId
// Array that contains the data for the chart
var chartData = [];
// Iterate over each list
_.each(data, function(list) {
// Create an object which contains the name and data for the list
var listData = {};
// Get the name/id of the list
// This can be changed to use an actual name
listData.name = list[0].listId;
// Count the numbers of todos per month
listData.data = _.pluck(list, 'bulan');
listData.data = _.countBy(listData.data, function(bulan) {
return bulan
// Add default values to all of the month - just in case there is no todo
// so that the chart is still able to display everything correctly
listData.data = _.defaults(listData.data, {
Jan: 0,
Feb: 0,
Mar: 0,
Apr: 0,
May: 0,
Jun: 0,
Jul: 0,
Aug: 0,
Sep: 0,
Oct: 0,
Nov: 0,
Dec: 0
listData.data = _.toArray(listData.data);
// if there is no chart, built it
if (!chart) {
// Otherwise, simply update the data if there is chartData
if (chartData.length !== 0) {
data: chartData
thank you very much, you really helped Cool bro
i cannot change listId to name :cry:
You could try to do this in the _.each()
listData.name = Lists.findOne(list[0].listId).name;
var listSource = Lists.findOne(list[0].listId)
if (listSource) {
listData.name = listSource.name;
} else {
listData.name = "unknown list"
work again :smile: I have tried from this morning but do not succeed
Do you know why i have to make reload page to get chart?, before i use datetimepicker and need reload page too
I am not quite sure :/ Maybe post this question on the Meteor forum.
@jhuenges sorry before, when i add data at February, but in chart show in January, but in mongo Feb you can try this https://github.com/aligos/todomoro.git
Can you add console.log(listData);
here, here, here and here?
Please give me the output and I will try to find a solution.
wait a minute :smile:
Object {name: "Change this default list name", data: Array[3]} _colorIndex: 0 data: Array[12] name: "Change this default list name" proto: Object
SS http://i.imgur.com/YdfjGmu.png
Oh my bad! Can you use listData.data
do you mean console.log(listData.data)?
this is when i console.log(listData.data)
Okay, got it! Please exchange these lines with the following code:
var monthLookup = {
Jan: 0,
Feb: 1,
Mar: 2,
Apr: 3,
May: 4,
Jun: 5,
Jul: 6,
Aug: 7,
Sep: 8,
Oct: 9,
Nov: 10,
Dec: 11
// This is the data used to display the values in the chart
// Each 0 represents a month
var monthArray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
// Iterate over listData.data to assign the values to the correct "month-slot"
for(var key in listData.data) {
if(monthLookup[key]) {
monthArray [monthLookup[key]] = listData.data[key];
// Reassign the array
listData.data = monthArray;
I hope this helps
Okay, got it! Please exchange these lines with the following code:
var monthLookup = {
Jan: 0,
Feb: 1,
Mar: 2,
Apr: 3,
May: 4,
Jun: 5,
Jul: 6,
Aug: 7,
Sep: 8,
Oct: 9,
Nov: 10,
Dec: 11
// This is the data used to display the values in the chart
// Each 0 represents a month
var monthArray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
// Iterate over listData.data to assign the values to the correct "month-slot"
for(var key in listData.data) {
if(monthLookup[key]) {
monthArray[monthLookup[key]] = listData.data[key];
// Reassign the array
listData.data = monthArray;
I hope this helps
January data can not change the array http://i.imgur.com/jRyA6IY.png http://i.imgur.com/hd7SFPW.png
I guess you need to take another look at this part
// Iterate over listData.data to assign the values to the correct "month-slot"
for(var key in listData.data) {
if(monthLookup[key]) {
monthArray[monthLookup[key]] = listData.data[key];
I am gone for 3 weeks, so I cant help you right now.
hi i'm trying to use your example @jhuenges console.log on client side return
Exception from Tracker recompute function: meteor.js:913:11 TypeError: chart.highcharts(...).series[0] is undefined
and i get : no data to display in my template
Eveorder.find().count() ->
var chart;
* Function to draw the column chart
function builtColumn(chartData) {
chart = $('#container-column').highcharts({
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: 'Monthly Todos'
credits: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
categories: [
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Todos'
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',
pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{series.name}: </td>' +
'<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:f}</b></td></tr>',
footerFormat: '</table>',
shared: true,
useHTML: true
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPadding: 0.2,
borderWidth: 0
series: chartData
Template.evemarket.onCreated(function() {
* Call the function to built the chart when the template is rendered
Template.evemarket.onRendered(function() {
Tracker.autorun(function() {
var data = Eveorder.find().fetch();
// if there is no data, abort!
if (!data || data === []) return;
// Group data by listId
data = _.groupBy(data, function(todo) {
return todo.listId
// Array that contains the data for the chart
var chartData = [];
// Iterate over each list
_.each(data, function(list) {
// Create an object which contains the name and data for the list
var listData = {};
// Get the name/id of the list
// This can be changed to use an actual name
listData.name = list[0].listId;
// Count the numbers of todos per month
listData.data = _.pluck(list, 'bulan');
listData.data = _.countBy(listData.data, function(bulan) {
return bulan
// Add default values to all of the month - just in case there is no todo
// so that the chart is still able to display everything correctly
listData.data = _.defaults(listData.data, {
Jan: 0,
Feb: 0,
Mar: 0,
Apr: 0,
May: 0,
Jun: 0,
Jul: 0,
Aug: 0,
Sep: 0,
Oct: 0,
Nov: 0,
Dec: 0
listData.data = _.toArray(listData.data);
// if there is no chart, built it
if (!chart) {
// Otherwise, simply update the data if there is chartData
if (chartData.length !== 0) {
data: chartData
Have you an idea for fixe this ?:o
@keepthefaya I have a couple of questions:
- I assume the chart is built correctly? So there is a container with the
? -
var data = Eveorder.find().fetch();
deliveres data? - In the autorun: is
1 : just change template 2 : yes Eveorder.find().count() (client side) ===> 24 3 : i dont understand what do you mean? :octopus:
<template name="evemarket">
<div class="grapik">
<div id="container-column" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px;"></div>
<div class="title-reload"><span class="icon-reset render-chart"></span></div>
var chart;
* Function to draw the column chart
function builtColumn(chartData) {
chart = $('#container-column').highcharts({
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: 'Monthly Todos'
credits: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
categories: [
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Todos'
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>',
pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{series.name}: </td>' +
'<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:f}</b></td></tr>',
footerFormat: '</table>',
shared: true,
useHTML: true
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPadding: 0.2,
borderWidth: 0
series: chartData
Template.evemarket.onCreated(function() {
* Call the function to built the chart when the template is rendered
Template.evemarket.onRendered(function() {
Tracker.autorun(function() {
var data = Eveorder.find().fetch();
// if there is no data, abort!
if (!data || data === []) return;
// Group data by listId
data = _.groupBy(data, function(todo) {
return todo.listId
// Array that contains the data for the chart
var chartData = [];
// Iterate over each list
_.each(data, function(list) {
// Create an object which contains the name and data for the list
var listData = {};
// Get the name/id of the list
// This can be changed to use an actual name
listData.name = list[0].listId;
// Count the numbers of todos per month
listData.data = _.pluck(list, 'bulan');
listData.data = _.countBy(listData.data, function(bulan) {
return bulan
// Add default values to all of the month - just in case there is no todo
// so that the chart is still able to display everything correctly
listData.data = _.defaults(listData.data, {
Jan: 0,
Feb: 0,
Mar: 0,
Apr: 0,
May: 0,
Jun: 0,
Jul: 0,
Aug: 0,
Sep: 0,
Oct: 0,
Nov: 0,
Dec: 0
listData.data = _.toArray(listData.data);
// if there is no chart, built it
if (!chart) {
// Otherwise, simply update the data if there is chartData
if (chartData.length !== 0) {
data: chartData
Meteor.publish('evemarketpublish', function() {
return Eveorder.find();
In these lines:
// Otherwise, simply update the data if there is chartData
if (chartData.length !== 0) {
data: chartData
is not defined. So can you check if chart
and chart.highcharts()
are working?
I try to also look in my direction but without results at this time, I got in client side console
No data to display" and "Exception from Tracker function Recompute: meteor.js: 913: 11 TypeError. Chart.highcharts (...) series [0] is undefined
chart return -> Object { length: 1, context: HTMLDocument → evemarket, selector: "#container-column", 1 de plus… }
chart.hightcharts() return -> [object Object]
series array isset, but array series.length return --> 0
`series * receveid chartData*, i try console.log(charData), he return to me Array [ Object ]
0:Object ->data: Array[13] ->name: undefined ->proto:Object