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Simple example to help me learn golang


Simple chat client and server example to help me learn golang

Chat Server

Clone the repo

> git clone https://github.com/jhudson8/golang-chat-example.git
> cd golang-chat-example

Edit the server/client configuration as you need (config.json)

  "Port": "5555",
  "JSONEndpointPort": "8080",
  "Hostname": "localhost",
  "HasEnteredTheRoomMessage": "[%s] has entered the room \"%s\"",
  "HasLeftTheRoomMessage": "[%s] has left the room \"%s\"",
  "HasEnteredTheLobbyMessage": "[%s] has entered the lobby",
  "HasLeftTheLobbyMessage": "[%s] has left the lobby",
  "IgnoringMessage": "You are ignoring %s",
  "ReceivedAMessage": "[%s] says: %s",
  "LogFile": ""

Start the server

> go run server.go

Chat Client

In other terminal windows, create as many clients as you wish

> go run client.go {username}

You can send commands or messages. Commands begin with / and messages are anything else. The commands are available

  • enter: enter a private room (only messages from others in the same private room will be visible). No need to explicitely create the room and you can only be in a single room at a time. /enter SomeRoom
  • leave: leave a private room to go back to the main lobby /leave
  • ignore: ignore another user /ignore joe
  • disconnect: disconnect from the chat server

A sample client session is below

> go run client.go joe
[joe] has entered the lobby
hello everyone, I am now in the lobby
[billy] has entered the lobby
[billy] says: hello, I'm here too
/enter SomeRoom
[joe] has entered the room "SomeRoom"
Billy can't hear this message because I'm in the SomeRoom private room         
[joe] has left the room "SomeRoom"
now Billy can ear me again
[billy] says: I sure can
/ignore billy
You are ignoring billy
Hey Billy, you can hear me but I can't hear you!

JSON Endpoint

The JSON endpoint port can be configured using the JSONEndpointPort port (by default, 8080). When the chat server is stated, the following endpoints are available

  • /messages/all: all messages
  • /messages/search/{search term}: example localhost:8080/messages/search/hello
  • /messages/user/{username}: example localhost:8080/messages/user/joe

The message query will only use the messages from the running server (previously logged messages will not be evaluated).

Chat Log

Log files are in CSV format with the columns shown below. You must set the LogFile config value to be the absolute file location or no logs will be created.

  1. username: the user that performed the action
  2. action: the action that was taken (message/enter/leave/ignore/connect/disconnect)
  3. value: the chat message or room that was entered or left
  4. timestamp: example Mar 12 2015 09.13.05 -0400 EDT
  5. ip: example