Jhonatan Cruz
Jhonatan Cruz
> Check your `CMakeCache.txt` for which dependencies have been detected and which symbols are defined. > The cross compile wiki is a bit out of date :/ sorry I do...
Is there by any chance, a updated guide of some sort, to compile and use FreeRDP within Windows? I also tried compiling inside windows os using this tutorial (https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/wiki/Build-on-Windows-Visual-C---2012-(32-and-64-bit)) but...
Thanks for your help. I think was able to compile it succesfully with CMake GUI using vs2017, once I got no error messages of any kind. But I am not...
Thank you, I managed to compile it within windows and it's working; still trying to figure out how to crosscompile it though. Thx again!
I see.. Well, for now I added 'update' to that; not the best solution, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Thanks for your answer!