We should support GPU settings on the render_delegate including device selection, expression, fallback and memory filtering. See htoa ticket 1427 / comment 9 .
Karma defines a KarmaRendererSettingsAPI USD scheme for its render settings shipped in _.../houdini/dso/usd_plugins/usdKarma/resources/usdKarma/schema.usda_ which inherits from the _RendererSettingsAPI_ schema. In this file the properties are prefixed with _karma:global:_ We should...
* Adds the HALF token when the aov format is a half data type * Sets the driver_exr to half_precision of there any half AOVs
For example `import pxr prim = hou.node('/stage/editmaterialproperties1').stage().GetPrimAtPath(hou.parm('/stage/editmaterialproperties1/primpattern').eval()) prim` Usd.Prim() `ns = loputils._sdrNodes(prim)` `ns[0]` arnold:cell_noise (context: 'arnold', version: '7.1', family: 'shader'); definition URI: ''; implementation URI: '' `type(ns[0])` `s = ns[0]`...
We need to detect when changes in the render delegate are coming only from the imager changes and not interrupt the render.